Friday 5 February 2016

Head, heart and hair

Hi Everybody!
Have a good weekend.

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, I have another journal page. I woke up early, and wanted to do something heart shaped, which I did. Hmmm, can't say I like it, but that's okay, too! And yes, I know we are not supposed to slam ourselves, but....I am also linking to 99 faces

Winter sun makes wonderful shadows:

The early morning sky is always a great pleasure to see:

And here we have a case of bad hair day:

Have a good weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 4 February 2016

If music be....

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, and for PPF, hosted
by Eva and Kristin, I have an A3 mixed media piece. The pigeon on the right is a photo, the background is part of a water-colour painting, and the yellow bird, which is , of course, the giant music-breasted warbler - a very rare bird- was painted and then scanned, digitally cut out and placed onto the background. I placed the print-out onto a background which was gessoed and sprayed. Then I continued the branches, added a few leaf embellishments, deepened the colours with Gelatos and added some tissue tape.

For 99 Faces I played around with acrylics and felt pens. 
Can you find the face?

And this is a blast from the past, a coloured pencil drawing made when I was at school, made in 1962.

We had very changeable weather, with some sun here and there, but mostly wild, wet and very windy. Even the gulls looked cold:

And the ducks:

This shows the flood marks on the wall by the Rhine. The wall is good 4 meters high, and I can't imagine what it must be like with such masses of water. The water level is normally good 2-3 meters below the level of the towpath.

I remember these 2 years well:

And here one of the old, rusty signs, especially for Elizabeth, who loves rust!

Have a good day, make the best of the weather, however it is,
take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Dance to the music....

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, If music be the food of love, I have 
a hybrid page today, made from a mix of a dancer, music and a photo of one of the lakes near here as background.

I discovered these wonderful fungi growing on a tree stump. Last week there was nothing there, on Monday they were visible as little yellow spots, and today they are growing really big - a variation on Jack and the Beanstalk?

Fairy steps:

Sorry, just a short post as it was a hard day  today,

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Life, love, hope

Hi Everybody!

It's the middle of the week already, where does the time go?

For Art Journal Journey I have an A3 mixed media page. The central part is a photo from the early 1940's, which I enlarged and digitally altered. I love the way they are both looking hopeful, but somehow serious, perhaps wondering what their future would be. They were Jewish, and lived in Hungary, and from there they fled through various countries, trying to find a safe haven from the Nazis. I asked Leah what happened to her husband, she just said, 'They took him'. And he never came back. Lea survived, married again after the war and lived here. I looked after her for her last couple of years in the old people's home. She never wanted to speak of her terrible experiences, but always smuggled food into her room and hid it in a suitcase in her wardrobe, together with a few essentials, so she would have something if she ever needed to flee again. 

For Wen's neutrals I altered a photo:

This is the tag made for Tag Tuesday, where our theme  was shadows/reflections:

I think the blackbird was trying to pretend that he wasn't interested in the food:

But then he thought better of it:

And the pigeons were sitting on their branch this morning waiting for me to put out their food:

We've had a lot of rain, so the Rhine is full:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!