Thursday 7 January 2016

Cold Blue

Hi Everybody, it's Friday again!

That means it's time for Paint Party Friday and Kim's show Your face, and everyday is the right time for Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland.

I painted an A3 sheet with various blues,  white and silver. I drew the face with black ink. I added some shading in blue, and painted her hair, eyebrows and lips with silver metallic from Vivacolor. I added some touches of diamond Stickles on her lashes and hair, and the quote. Then I sprayed some white glimmer mist and let it run down over her face.

Today was sunny/windy/ cold/dry/wet in quick succession. I enjoyed my walk along the Rhine, watching the clouds, birds and ships.

This cloud looks to me like a face with a big nose in profile, looking to the right - can you see it too?

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Trees, kings and snow

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by again, I never know where
the time goes to.
Today is the second day of Christmas in Russia, so for
Art Journal Journey
I once again made a hybrid page combining photos with images. This is another view taken from my windows:

In the  Basilica here they were also celebrating the Feast of the Three Kings, and they were added to the manger scene. I lit some candles for some of my friends:

Today on my walk I was impressed by the fragile beauty of the leafless trees:

I altered the photo at Tuxpi and made these kaleidoscope pictures:

Then I digitally changed the colour of one of the photos and added
a face drawing I made. I saw the picture in a magazine and drew my version of her, and placed her digitally on the star background. I am linking to Wen's simply neutrals and 99 faces

And more beautiful branches:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Winter, gold and rust

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good day. We had quite nice weather yesterday, not too cold, dry, and with a mix of blue sky, clouds and some sun.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland I made a hybrid piece.
The Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 6th.
The central image is from Gecko Galz.

Today is also the Feast Day of the Three Magi.
In Cologne Cathedral there is a beautiful golden shrine holding relics which are supposed to be from the 3 kings:

(Pictures courtesy of Wikpedia)

The theme at Tag Tuesday this week is 'Science'. 
I made a rusty robot tag.

And some photos from my walks:

More balcony visitors:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 4 January 2016

Tuesday this, that and the other

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I went for a walk today,
and it was great to get out again, although the weather was
cold, wet and soggy.

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT - numbers. Projects
of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to link up to us.
Hope to see you on our blog! I made a mixed media/hybrid piece using one of my heads - yes, I have several - and combining it with lots of numbers and a quote from Einstein. The background is a collaged piece, which I over-painted with gesso to lighten it a bit.

Today is T stands for Tuesday, hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard.
I altered one of the photos I showed yesterday, and placed my ubiquitous cup of cappuccino into it. Here's wishing a happy T Day to all the T-Gang.

For art journal journey I made another hybrid piece using a photo taken  in the fields at the back of the house here. I added some digital elements from Serif.

There was not much to take pictures of today, but here and there the sun did try to stick its nose out:

There was a huge swarm of tits feeding here this afternoon, and they drove away all other birds who came near:

Original and copy: