Thursday 10 December 2015

A face and a collage

Hi Everybody!
It's Friday already - where did the week go?

For Paint Party Friday, Art Journal Journey, collage, 99 faces and Kim's show your face I have a mixed media face and a collage.
The face was drawn with black onto printed cardstock. I added some random stamping, and painted the face and one of the flowers with water colours.

Then I used the face as part of a collage, digitally adding a document as background, a nude painting made many years back, some bird photos and a telephone . And I placed Leonardo's Vitruvian man onto the eye.

We had a cold and frosty day here, with lots of sunshine, and wonderful skies all day, so I ran round with my camera pointing skywards to catch some impressions. The photos here were all taken during half an hour before sunrise, with the colours changing in intensity and hue all the time.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

A face, sky and water

Hi Everybody!

The week is speeding by again, and I ask myself once more
where my time goes....

For Art Journal Journey, collage, and 99 Faces I have a face with some collaged elements. The background is an A3 brush-wipe page, onto which I did some random background stamping. I drew a simple profile with black ink and coloured the face with turquoise water-colour to tone with the background. I collaged the sentiment, some washi tapes, a butterfly and some paper scraps, as well as the pen nibs, which are also made from paper.
I am also linking to Kim Dellow's Show your face.

This morning was cloudy and misty, and then the sun rose up and dispelled all the grey

This doggie went for a swim and dozens of ducks and geese took off squawking very indignantly

The stream which flows into the Rhine is full so the water is nice and wild

And once again the gulls are the stars of the show:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 8 December 2015

The colour blue

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, collage, I have another hybrid creation today. The background is a photo of a ship in the London docks. I grew up near the docks, but in the meantime it has all become a playground for the very rich. Back then, we could see big ships at the end of the street, a fun sight! Here I added my fave Mr Umbrella man, out for his evening walk, and a girl and her bike, both from a digital set called paper town. The moon is one of my photos. The stenciled sentiment is from Stencilry com.

For 99 Faces I drew a face on patterned cardstock with black ink, and painted her eyes, mouth and eyebrows with blue ink. I dribbled some blue and green ink at the top, sprayed it with water and let it run down the page. When it was dried I added some white to brighten it a bit. Also linking to Kim's Show your face.

And as today is all about blue, I am including the tag I made for Tag Tuesday yesterday, theme 'night sky'. I painted directly onto a manila tag using my scratchy brush, sprinkled it with fairy dust, and added some stars when it was dry. The houses were drawn with a stencil, and I mounted the tag onto 2 others cut slightly larger from blue Mirri card and gold corrugated card.

I didn't have much time for taking photos today, as I had a long appointment at the orthopedic specialist. In February I will be getting a shiny new knee joint.
The pictures here were taken early this morning - the sky was clear, the moon and stars were twinkling. I especially love the combination of the crescent moon and Venus

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

snow, rain, cake and clouds

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -
snowflakes, snow or winter whites.
As always, you have 2 weeks to join in the fun, and projects of all formats are allowed, as long as they fit the theme, so hope to see you there.

I made a hybrid collage of snow in New York. I spent one Christmas there, many years back, and we had wonderful snow. The background is part of a textured and crackled piece I made, and I have some people enjoying themselves in the park. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, collage.

Tuesday is also time  for T stands for Tuesday over at Elizabeth's blog,
so a big welcome to all of the T gang.
I made a collage showing things I like, as I also want to link it to Moo Mania and More, my favourite pictures. I have tried to gather a lot of them here - the Rhine, the trees, birds, ducks, geese, Mr Umbrella man and a cup of cappuccino. And Tower Bridge. Now I know that Tower Bridge is back home in London and not here at the Rhine, I just used some digital magic to place it here to make myself feel good. The eyes have been layered on to the background for 99 faces.

And I would like to share some chocolate chip muffins with you. I baked them for my neighbour's birthday, but I saved plenty for you, so please help yourselves - careful, the chocolate is still runny!


We have had cloudy and wet weather with quite a lot of rain, so the Rhine is full again and the ships can travel at their normal speed:

The gulls are out whatever the weather:

The Canadian wild geese were out today, too:

And of course the heron was there, looking grumpy as always:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!