Friday 20 November 2015

This and that on Saturday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a better weekend than the last one,
and peace and safety for all.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the colours of autumn, and 99 faces I have an A3 mixed media journal page

The centre part is a hybrid work using a face I drew layered over a patchwork background and an old letter. The autumn leaves and butterfly are digital additions. I pasted it onto a gessoed background, framed it with a broad marker, added a TH die-cut tree and the quote.

The water in the Rhine is still low:

Ships are only allowed to move half loads:

The leaves are almost gone:

But on the meadows the rape seed is blossoming in the middle of November.  We are expecting very cold weather from the north now, so it looks like we're moving from spring to winter.

The fire-brigade boat:

A beautiful and rusty hand rail:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 19 November 2015

Bird Friday

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, Moo Mania and More, layers and Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, I made an A4 mixed media journal page.  The central part was made with various elements and brushes, layered digitally. I placed it on an A3 page painted with black gesso over sage green, into which I stamped to repeat the pattern on the page. I added some fairy dust for a bit of sparkle. I used my photo of the moon as 'halo' around the African mask.

For 99 faces I made a hybrid page. The background was painted with acrylics and sprinkled with glitter. I added some freebie brushes digitally, and my photo of the statue of the girl. The face is my drawing.
Also linking to Kim Dellow's show your face

A herd of  sheep was grazing along the Rhine near here today, so I went to visit them. There was a huge number of seagulls flying around, it was great to see them flying and swooping in their formations.

As I went over the meadows down to the Rhine I startled this wild goose, which flew up from almost under my feet, squawking very loudly:

And then all his mates took flight and joined in, too. I had fun watching them swoop around.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Another autumn face

Hi Everybody!

Had a busy day today. I had an appointment at the cardiologist for
some examinations, so had to be up and out early. I prefer my usual morning routine of take it easy.  I will be getting some new medication which should make me feel better. Getting old sucks, but the alternative - not getting old, is definitely worse!

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the colours of autumn, I digitally reworked and changed an 'old' face and made it into a new A3 mixed media journal page. I am also linking to 99 Faces

I didn't have time to go for my Rhine walk today, so these are from yesterday, a very blustery day. There are still men at work repairing the footpath along the river:

And there are always people delivering goods, which is a problem in our little town, as the streets are old and narrow, and sometimes there are traffic jams. Of course, people living in big cities would laugh at the idea of ten or eleven cars being a traffic jam, but that's the way it is here!

Most od the trees are now bare, but some still have colourful leaves:

 Down at the Rhine the leaves stay greener longer:

Have a lovely day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Wednesday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today a new challenge is starting at Moo Mania and More -
*Lots of layers*

I made a hybrid piece using 4 different layers - a collage as background, my painting of the nude, a mask, and then the window. The window is one of the photos I took last week in Düsseldorf; I digitally removed the glass, as it had too many reflections. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, inspired by the colours of autumn.

Here is the original photo:

For our 99 faces challenge I have a hybrid face. I tried to draw Leonardo's 'Leda', and it did not turn out so well. I placed it into the background of the page, together with some leaves. The face on the right is a freebie, as are other elements in the background. The head is one of 'my' heads. The sentiment is from Teresa

For Wen's Simply neutrals I made a collage:

Some more lace and embroidery:

And just to compare - the new railings and the lovely, old and rusty ones:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!