Friday 4 September 2015

Through the window

Hi Everybody!

Another week has sped by, and once again it's Friday.
Thanks to all who asked about my dental treatment - it went well and my mouth is feeling almost normal again!

For Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, through my window,
I have another journal page.

This time I was inspired by Mark Chagall's wonderful painting,
'Paris through the Window' from 1913.
I decided to try to copy his painting, and it was more difficult than I thought, but in the end I had my A3 page finished.

I started off with this background, drew in the window, Eiffel Tower, cat, chair and the two faced man, blocked them in with white, and just worked on it from there. I had some frustrating moments in between, but am quite  pleased with the final results.

After painting in all the details, I made a thinned down colour wash with DecoArts transparent yellow iron oxide, which gave the colours more depth. I added the fine details with fine liners.

And some views through the window to the windows of  my world:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 3 September 2015

A face in the window

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well.
I spent  quite some time today at the dentist's, I needed a root-canal treatment. He is really good, but even so it was rather arduous and I am happy to be back home.

For  Art Journal Journey, through my window, and for our 49 Faces challenge, I have another journal page. This was a quick and rather minimalist face drawing, set in a window, and with a verse I wrote for it. I am also linking to Kim Dellow's Friday Face

Who do you see in your window?

The sunrise was wonderful again

And I visited the flower farm again, and although a lot did look rather beaten down by the rain, some are still going strong:

And some more windows from my little town:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Tree at my window....

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all well and fit!

For Art Journal Journey, through my window, I made another A3 mixed media page. The poem is from Robert Frost. The centre background is a picture painted last year. I placed it on the centre of the page, and painted the edges to match, The birds stencil is from Dina Wakley. The window seems to be floating in the middle of the scene, so inside and outside have merged.

This is my tag from Tag Tuesday, where our theme this week is brown and blue, two beautiful colours. I painted an 8" tag with metallic blue, and added the image (Gecko Galz) matted onto bronze mirri card. I rusted the wooden key, and added it together with a clock charm. 

Yesterday was really hot and sunny. The horses were sheltering under the pollard willows:

This spider was waiting for visitors:

My shadow was in the stream while I was on the bridge:

The Kids from the Kindergarten were out and about by the river:

These are the windows in the gatehouse of the Marien Hospital:

The chapel windows in the hospital:

It rained today non stop from morning till evening, but then the  skies cleared and we had a beautiful evening sky:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!