Wednesday 24 June 2015

Purple lady for SOC and Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well!

The colours at SOC this week and purple, purple and yellow. This week the colours didn't make me so happy. I made a quick water-colour sketch from one of my old sketches, drawing directly with the brush. I added the yellow with pastel chalks. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, masculine -feminine. The challenge runs for another week, so you still have plenty of time to join in.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'On the ocean waves'. I used a piece of marbled paper, stenciled my surfer onto it, and wrote the quote by hand. I added some matching ribbons as embellishment.

Today we had a lot of clouds again, but some patches of blue sky, and it didn't rain as much as it did yesterday.

I took photos today of doors and doorways:

This is a tiny snack-bar, right next to the river, which only opens on Sundays and holidays, and sells pea-soup or potato soup etc. I have never tried it, but there's always a long queue waiting there. You get your bowl handed out through the window and take your soup and find somewhere by the Rhine to sit and eat it.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Coffee cups, cars and more.

Hi Everybody!

Today is the beginning of a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday - Tea cups, or coffee cups, or mugs. Hope to see lots of you there during the next 2 weeks, projects of all formats are allowed. As I am a coffee drinker I cut 'my' head and filled it with  coffee cups on a patterned background. In the circles I wrote my coffee poem, written a couple of years back. Here it is again for those who can't read round the circles:

Give me coffee, but not tea,
Tea is not the drink for me.
Coffee, frothy, brown and hot,
I can always drink a lot.
Coffee topped with whipped up cream -
This with joy will make me scream.
Café au lait with chocolate sprinkles,
Makes me happy, stops my wrinkles.
And if the point you have not seen - 
A day without coffee makes me mean!

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine.

I had to make a birthday card for a neighbour who will be 90 this week. As he loves cars, I made one using Tim's old jalopy. I cut the car from cardboard covered with aluminium tape, which had first been embossed with an embossing folder. The crown and wings were cut from the same material. I coloured the 'metal' with Vivacolor rust, and gave it some patina with black antiquing paste. I mounted the car and heart onto brown mirri card, and matted it with 2 layers of peeled cardboard, painted with rust, copper and gold, and partly embossed with Frantage vintage copper and gold. I rubbed the edges with some Inka gold in gunmetal grey, and used  snap fasteners as embellishments. I am linking to  anything but cute, masculine.

A few photos from yesterday's walk, today was too wet!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 22 June 2015

Monday is Men day

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has passed in the blink of an eye, and it's back to work for many of us today.

For Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine, I have made another mixed media A3 journal page. The background was painted with Gesso  coloured with a bit of yellow. I discovered a pile of paper strips while clearing up, so decided to use them on this masculine page. I used various stencils in the background. I drew the 2 men with charcoal using one of my home made stencils, and gave them a bit of colour with pastel chalks. I found the quote on Google, just changed it a little bit. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, numbers, and to anything but cute, masculine

Today was the beginning of the 'Schützen Fest' (Marksmen's Festival) in our little town. In the old days the Schützen used to meet to practice archery or shooting to defend the town in case of attack. In the meantime they are just keeping up a tradition, having fun, and strengthening their arms by lifting lots of huge glasses of beer! Here they are by the Basilica for the service before they start their parades.

The square around the Basilica was hung with flags:

I like how people decorate their steps:

The horses were happy:

And I found some flowers growing round the fence:

My desk was so full that I just couldn't do anything more:

So I had to clear up. Put everything away where it should be, threw away lots of valuable treasures old paper and now it looks better!

Have a good start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!