Wednesday 4 March 2015


Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good day, and that the weather is not being too unkind to you!

For Art Journal Journey, Things with wings, and for Moo Mania and more, blackbirds, I have made another journal page. I used a print out of one of my backgrounds, and added more colour with gelatos. I stamped the sun (Hein design) with Color Box chalk ink, and used the same stamp for the globe on which the raven is standing, just altering the colour a bit. I used lots of background stencils from CWS, home made  and Dina Wakley for the patterns, numerals and birds. The raven (LaBlanche) has been stamped with archival black and heat embossed with extra fine EP. I used coloured inks to add colour to the raven. At the moment I am having fun going mad with lots of colours. The quote is from Salvador Dalí.
 I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, a touch of clover.

After raining for hours yesterday the sky cleared in time for us to see the evening sky and the moon.

This morning the sun tried to break through the clouds and mist, and was able to show itself for a few seconds, but then the clouds prevailed.

Over the clouds

Here's wishing you all a great day! Take care,
and thanks a lo for coming by!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Double Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Happy Tuesday!

Today is double Tuesday, which means a new challenge at TIOT and a new theme at Tag Tuesday.

At TIOT our new theme is 'Pearls for Girls' - now let your imagination run wild and make some pretty, pearly, feminine projects - you have 2 weeks to join in, and all sorts of projects are allowed.
 For TIOT I made a 6" card with loads of glitter, bling, pearls and feathers.
The image is a vintage coca cola image, matted with some lavender card and a glittered transparent foil mat. I added a row of pearls along the bottom, feathers to her hat, and some clear gemstones to the roses and her necklace. 

Our theme at Tag Tuesday is 'anything but paper'. I used a strip of my antique linen - my neighbour says it looks like something from a mummy's tomb! After fringing the outer edges I used my new sewing machine to decorate them.I used Dina Wakley's moon faces again, stenciled with Viva-color Rust. Her hair has been made from fibres, and I added a button for decoration - that was it.

And just a few photos from today, from my balcony and my walk along the Rhine.
We had 2 hours of sunshine this morning, and then it rained and rained....

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 2 March 2015


Hi Everybody!

I wish you all a good start in the new week!

My new piece for 'Things with wings' at Art Journal Journey has a background printed from one of my scanned paintings. I added more colours by blending in gelatos.  The circles were stamped with color box ink using a stamp from Hein Design, and the squares have been stamped using a DI pad directly onto the paper. The plants are stamps from Artemio and have been stamped with Memento 'London Fog' and highlighted with white. The dragonflies (Laurentz and Morgan) were stamped with archival black, embossed with EP extra fine, and given a few white highlights. I coloured the wings with sparkling H2Os and added Diamond stickles for a bit of shine and glitter.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, a hint of clover - the green square with the text.

Toda started off with rain and mist:

The pigeons were the first Sunday visitors:

The sun tried to come through here and there:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 1 March 2015

Things with wings - New Challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend!

Today we have a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, things with wings, and I am happy to announce that our  lovely Chrissie will be our hostess for the month. There are so many possibilities here - birds, butterflies, bees, angels, flying insects, winged cars, flying elephants, dragons, fairies, winged hearts, and, and.... - spread your wings of fantasy and enjoy flying with us!

For my piece I used a painted and textured background to which I added a little colour with Gelatos. Mr Umbrella Man and the little girl are flying through space - or is it the sea? accompanied by some little dolphins. The two black lovebirds at the bottom are oblivious to the rest of the world - Fantasy gives us wings and makes everything possible.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, black birds and to Simon Monday Challenge, no rules.

The day started with a wonderful sunrise . It was very cold, with a thick frost on the ground this morning, but sunny all day. Tomorrow we are expecting rain again! I enjoyed sitting with my coffee watching the sky tun pink and gold.

The heron flew off just as I got to the Rhine, I think he doesn't get on with the wild geese. This one looked at me and started hissing, so I had to go a step back.

The cormorant was up his usual pole

And this afternoon the sun shone on the lakes when I did my late afternoon round.

Have a good Sunday, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!