Wednesday 4 February 2015

Beings from Ancient Egypt.

Hi Everybody!

Hope all those who have had a lot of snow are keeping safe and warm,
look after yourselves!

For 'Birds, beasts and humans' at Art Journal Journey I have made a journal page (A3) with an old Egyptian theme. I painted the background with orange and yellow acrylic paints and sprayed some diluted red ink to give more colour. The image shows Tutankhamen squashing his enemies under foot, on a background painted with blue-green and gold.  Then I added colours for the jewels and gold, and used white highlighter to define the lines. After fussy cutting it I placed it onto the background. I drew the eye of Horus and the Ankh with felt pens. The quote is from Pharaoh Akhnaton, who lived about 1400 BC. I find the strange beings who are part animal or bird, and part human, very fascinating. Horus was one of the oldest and most significant of the Egyptian deities, and is sometimes portrayed as a man with a falcon head. The Ankh is also known as the 'Breath of life', or the 'Key of the Nile', and represents the concept of eternal  life.

Hope to have more photos to show you tomorrow, I wasn't able to get out much today!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Tag Tuesday and Try it on Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Just a short post, I had a little accident and hurt my hand.
Lucky my projects were all made in advance!

At Tag Tuesday the theme is blues. 

I am also linking to Simons Monday Challenge, H is for...happy colours and hopes of spring.

At Try It On Tuesday our new theme is 'add a photo'. You have 2 weeks to join in You can make what you want, as long as it has a photos on it. Hope to see lots of you there!

I made an altered paper bag, a memory bag, with family photos from my childhood days, and a tag inside.

I work up this morning to deep snow, and watched the night turn to day.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 2 February 2015

More Birds, beasts and humans

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Have a good start in the new week!

For Art Journal Journey I have made another A3 journal page. For the background I sprinkled brushos onto a damp page and then sprayed with more water to get the colours moving. I used stencils from Dina Wakley with black acrylic paint for the faces. The  elephant was also made with a stencil, but I don't know the manufacturer. The steampunk birds with human faces are from Paper Artsy. I stamped them onto tissue paper with archival black and embossed with extra fine EP. The quote is from DH Lawrence, and was hand-written.

We had another grey day here with rain and sleet showers. Not many people were about today, but lots of seagulls, who enjoyed my leftover bread.

The ducks didn't seem to mind the weather either!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Sunday 1 February 2015

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!

Today is the start of a new challenge at Art Journal Journey - 'Birds, beasts and Humans'. This gives us a wide field of possibilities to be creative. You can, for example, make portraits or pictures of people, animals and birds, or you can combine them to make fantastic  mixed beings - perhaps a bird's head on a human body with animal feet? Think about all the wonderful images of the ancient Egyptians, the Sphinx, for example - just wonderful for this challenge. May your creativity spread wings and fly in all sorts of fantastic directions - we are looking forward to see where your flights of fantasy take you.
For my first example I have made an A3 journal page with something of everything. The wonderful rhinoceros from Albrecht Dürer seems to be astonished by the little hippos splashing in a pond. Froggy is fishing, a little mouse is having fun, and a lady is emerging from a flower. One of the Gibson girls is staring haughtily at a mysterious lady in a mask, and they are both being slowly  over grown with climbing plants. Mr Umbrella Man is walking calmly through this strange jungle, doing his own thing, and perhaps wondering about the huge birds over his head....Just let your fantasy lead you into a strange land, and enjoy being there! I painted the background with acrylics, made the circles with a loo roll, and stenciled the Umbrella Man with a mix of blue and black paint. The other elements were collaged, and then I added some doodling for the plants and branches. This was fun to make, I enjoy just watching it grow.

I woke up very early this morning, sat at my desk drinking coffee, and watched the day dawning. The lights in the background are planes coming down to land.

Birds of a feather:

A hungry hawk:

Lucky went for walk in the stairwell:

A beach crow:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.