Thursday 25 December 2014

Little dolls and big birds.

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have all enjoyed your holidays, whatever you have celebrated!

Today I have a wintry collage to show for Art Journal Journey. It is one of the DT projects I made for Gecko Galz. I used my giant journal again, and first of all textured the page with crumpled tissue paper and mod-podge. When it was dry I painted it with gesso, and added in the blues and yellows while it was still wet, and lots of glitter, which unfortunately doesn't show well! The images are from a Gecko Galz collage sheet; I printed them out in different sizes and glued them onto the page along with a few glitter stars and an angel. The text was computer generated. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

Today I looked out of the window and saw the tree behind the back garden full of wood pigeons, and on one of the lower branches, a hawk. The tree is good 50 meters away, so had to zoom in to get the photos.

I had fun watching him and taking photos till he spread his wings and flew away.
He has very strong looking talons, too.

He really is beautiful

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Happy Holidays one and all

Hi everybody,

Here's wishing you happy Christmas, happy holidays, happy everything....

At Moo Mania the challenge is 'merry Christmas', and I am sharing these tags I made for Tag Tuesday.

I saw this lovely fountain yesterday in Ratingen:

The musicians were playing wonderful Christmas melodies:

This fountain is next to the Church:

Some of my feathered visitors today:

Have a great day, and wonderful holidays, whatever you celebrate!

Take care of yourselves, and thanks for coming by.

See you again on Friday, I'm taking a day off!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Collage, Christmas market and cats

Hi Everybody!

Today I feel more or less normal after my birthday excesses - it won't happen again for another year! Sorry that some readers missed my photos yesterday, I am showing a lot today to make up for it! I visited Ratingen today, a neighbouring town, and had a look round the old town and Christmas market, although it was very cold, wet and windy!

For Art Journal Journey I have another collage to share. This one has been made with one of my collaged wooden hearts, mounted onto corrugated card. The heart was painted with gesso, and collaged with pieces of torn paper, printed and hand-written. Then I gave it a coat of diluted gesso before adding the rose rub-on (LaBlanche). Then I added some gilding flakes before giving it a coat of crackle varnish. The corrugated background (A4) was painted with gesso and sprinkled liberally with Frantage EP in white and gold and heat embossed. Then I collaged more paper scraps and gilding flakes before fixing the heart and some brocade ribbon. I will use this as cover for a journal.

The Christmas market and Church

A beautiful, vintage carousel:

One of the old houses:

The main entrance to the Christmas market:

And last but not least a lesson in relaxation after supper from Lucky and Lilly:
Stretch out on the floor;

Make yourself comfortable:

let your eyes close:

Sweet dreams!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 22 December 2014

Art Journal Journey Collage

Hi everybody!

Just a short post today, I am tired out after celebrating my birthday!

For Art Journal Journey I made another collage in my giant journal. I worked on craft paper, using a variety of paper scraps, some hand-painted,  antique linen, a Dina Wakley stenciled face trimmed with washi tape, a stamped image and some zig-zag stitching. I really enjoy making these collages just out of scraps and 'waste' bits.

That's all for today!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!