Saturday 29 November 2014

Braque, birds and more.

Hi Everybody!

Another week has sped by, I was always busy and don't have much to show for it!
Nor did I do the H*******K, I'm still waiting for the really bad weather that keeps me at home! Today  (Friday) started off rather grey, but the day got better as it progressed, with plenty of sun although it was very cold. In the evening the sun gave a wonderful final performance before disappearing on the other side of the Rhine,  and I much enjoyed watching it. The birds have been visiting all day - pigeons, magpies, a jay, my woodpecker, tits galore and a cheeky bullfinch, all determined to get their share of the goodies.

We only have 2 more days left for the 'Inspired by the masters' challenge at Art Journal Journey, and I have another Braque variation to show, made using my sun and bird stencils. It does take some time to draw and cut stencils, but once made they can be used over and over again in many projects, and are really useful. The background is textured paper - my recycled wallpaper - with acrylics applied with a brayer. I tried to keep the colours to geometric forms to give a cubist impression.

Some of the photos from dawn till dusk: 

There were hundreds of wild geese flying home, they came in several groups and flew across the sky, making a huge noise, as always:

Here's wishing  you all a great day!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 28 November 2014

Black cats

Hi Everybody!

I hope all friends in the USA are enjoying Thanksgiving, and wish you all a wonderful weekend.

We had a cold, wet and windy here. The sun did try to look in on us a few times, but not with much success. I fed the birds on my balcony this morning, they were once again waiting for me to put their food out, and then I took some stale bread to feed the seagulls. They are very good at snapping the bits in the air before they fall down, it was fun watching them.

For Art Journal Journey I was inspired by 2 artists this time, Toulouse Lautrec, whose 150th birthday was celebrated this week, and Andy Warhol. I took Lautrec's black cat, and made a stencil from it, and then inked it with black acrylic paint over the painted rectangles. The 4 panels fit onto a page in my giant journal. I painted the 'halo' with gold gel-pen, and outlined the cats with the same. 

I used my Stencilry stencil to make this one, and then Warholed it at Tuxpi.

This morning it didn't look too bad, but after that it got cloudier and cloudier.

I found this stone hard puff-ball mushroom by the wayside. It looks like lots of insects have burrowed a way into it and are living there. I didn't look closer to see if any of them were still in there!

The magpie did not want to stand still to have his photo taken. Today the magpies, a jay and the woodpecker enjoyed themselves, as well as the little tits.

I love the name of this boat!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Showdown at sunset

Hi everybody!

It was very cold here today, the wind is blowing us cold air from the east, and the temperatures are dropping fast - brrrrr! I managed 2 walks,  but needed to walk really fast to get warm and stay warm.

My project for Art Journal Journey today has been influenced again by Van Gogh. The flat fields shown in his sunset painting remind me, too, of the fields here by the Rhine. I know some people think that copying pictures painted by the masters is a waste of time, but I think it is a marvelous way to learn about the painters and how they worked. And I know that the painters' apprentices in the old days spent years copying the paintings of their masters in order to learn. For me, this is 'learning by doing', and I have enjoyed learning more about various artists this past month.

 I made a page in my giant journal again. It was first painted with gesso and then with diluted acrylics. When it was dry, I drew in the landscape and all the details with pastel chalks. I wanted to make my page a bit different, so turned it into a meeting between Mary Poppins and Mr Umbrella man. It looks like love at first sight!
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin, and to Moo Mania and More, trees.

The first 2 photos today are multiple exposures of pictures taken a couple of years back in Bad Honnef, with the 'Drachenfels' (Dragon's cliff) in the background. I think they also fit well to the theme of trees and sunset.

This morning I was up extremely early, long before dawn had even begun to think about breaking, and was able to watch the day slowly creeping in. The lights in the background are the airport:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Clogs, boots and blue skies

Hi Everybody!

We had another frosty night here, followed by a cold and sunny day,
which I enjoyed, even if I was very busy. But between walks and English coaching I found time for some painting and crafting,
so that was good.

For Art Journal Journey, I was once again inspired by Vincent Van Gogh to make a page in my giant journal.  I was fascinated by his painting of clogs, which he evidently made when he was bored, and could not leave the house because of bad weather.

I don't have any clogs, so decided to use my fave boots:

The photo was digitally altered and re-coloured, fussy cut, and then placed onto a background which was first painted with water-colours, and then patterned with pastel chalks. I think some of you will remember that song sung by Nancy Sinatra

I had fun making this page!

I was awake early again and was able to watch the day dawning, and emerging from the mist and frost:

I love walking through the frosty leaves:

Another altered sign along the Rhine towpath:

The sky was blue:

The shadows of the trees on the house looked like they had been painted:

And the view of the opposite side of the road was very clear in the book / toy-shop window:

And I had to watch the sun setting over the Rhine again:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!