Wednesday 12 June 2013

Tag Tuesday 'W' tag and a journal page

Hi you all!
Before I forget, here is my tag for Tag Tuesday. We are almost finished with our ABC tags, it's 'w' already. I chose W for wild, and made a simple tag using some small animal stencils which I got in a super sale for next to nothing. I used some scraps of dark brown and animal print for the matting.

At Art Journal journey the theme is still 'home', so I made another spread about London. I used my stone stamp over a background of grey and blue, and added a bit of colour with some sprays. This time I have concentrated on the writing on the walls. London - and most other towns - are full of graffiti, posters, announcements etc. When I was small I remember getting very upset over a poster which said 'Bill Stickers will be prosecuted'.  I asked my uncle what prosecuted meant, and he told me that it meant that people would be taken to court and perhaps put in prison. I though Bill Stickers was the name of a person, and felt very sorry for him, as he was mentioned on every bill-board in London! The keep calm and carry on is a war time poster, but was still hanging on a lot of walls and stations after the war. 'Coughs and sneezes spread diseases' is another war time poster, but it was pasted in every loo at school. The 'all you need is love' was written on a wall near where my aunt used to live.

Graffiti are not a new phenomenon - there are many in the Tower of London, carved by prisoners in long bygone days. 
I wrote my text in English and in Hebrew, as the writing on the walls reminded me of the 'Mene, mene tekel upharsin' on the walls of King Nebuchadnezzar, as described in the book of Daniel. (You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting). The art of writing the graffiti and the style have changed, but it has evidently been part of our lives for thousands of years.

Here you can see one of the graffiti from the Tower of London, written by the Earl of Arundel.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Just my ticket....

Hi you all!  I heard on the news that the floods are really reaching epic dimensions, with 45000 people evacuated, and 2 more dams which have burst, flooding more villages and communities. Poor people, I can't imagine how dreadful this must be for them.
They also told us on the news that the NSA are reading Google, Facebook etc to - err -'keep up with what's going on in the world'. Well, if any of you reading here today, you're welcome guys!

I made this card for the challenge at OOAH, 'tickets please'.
The background has been made from some card that not only has this wild pattern, but is also embossed to look like fur. I am always astonished what I find in my bottomless pit AKA hall closet. The image is from a Gecko Galz collage sheet 'The cat's Meow'. The ticket cardstock is from My Mind's Eye, and the embellishments from my stash. This was fun to make.

At Moo-Mania the challenge this week is to use the triple stamping technique. Okay girls, I tried. I tried so hard that I ended up with 5 layers instead of three. I think I will now have to call it quintuple stamping and layering. Sounds grand, although I can't say I like what I have made, but I tried! Not easy with shaky fingers, but I tried. No comment! The thistle stamp is from Crafty Individuals, and the swirls from I don't know who, but it's a stamp I like.

Also linking to Rogue Redheads 'Slender Benders' Challenge

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by.

Monday 10 June 2013

Button Back Album

Hi you all! Hope you had a good weekend, and wish you a good start in the week.

I made another button - back album, where the pages are sewn together and fixed by threading through the four buttons on the spine. The album has been filled with paper in colours coordinating with the cover papers from Pashmina. I made a similar one a year or two back, and discovered some more of these lovely papers in my stash last week - and had to make another album. I don't have the other one as I gave it as a present.
I put one of my spirit-dolls onto the front. These albums are fun to make, so I think I will try another one soon in a different paper.

Linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show - buttons challenge

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 8 June 2013

May there be peace and prosperity....

Hi you all! The title is the first part of the quote for the challenge over at Artists in Blogland - 'May there be peace and prosperity within your walls'.
The background has been painted with acrylics using white, terracotta and pink, and then sprayed to give more colour. I then stamped the whole page with a stone stamp from Kaisercraft, to give the effect of a wall. I used a bit of Inka Gold to put a few shiny spots onto it, to look like sunlight. I wrote the text of the quote, which is Psalm 122, verse 7, in Hebrew, in an arc across the wall. I used a large plate to draw the curved line! I then added it in English, too. The pictures along the bottom edge are some I took in Israel, in Achziv (links) and Jerusalem. I altered the colour to sepia, and fussy cut the images. This brought back lots of memories for me, as Jerusalem is one of the towns I love very much, and another place where I feel at home. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey - 'home'

I was asked yesterday for instructions for the favour bag which I blogged. (Please see yesterday's post if you are wondering what I am talking about!) I hope you can read my scribble! Mine was made with A4 paper, but you can enlarge it if you want -  then the ribbon will need to be longer, though.  I made an oooops, as well. The holes have to be punched in D & F - please correct - they are marked correctly!Please feel free to copy!

Have a great Sunday, stay safe, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 7 June 2013

Paper Saturday, Alpha Challenge and a Tag

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying your weekend.
We have had a few days sunshine here, which is good, but the people in the flooded areas of Germany are still suffering - many have lost everything, and are homeless. It is an awful situation, and the worst flood since 1501! Here we were lucky, the Rhine stayed in its bed, and the water stopped rising 50 cm under the danger mark, for which I am very thankful. And I won two 'Top 3' blinkies this week, at Simon Says and Make my Monday.
This is going to be a bitty post - a bit of this and a bit of that.
I have at last finished my piece for the Alpha challenge, which this time has to be a letter between fe and fr.
I chose firmament. I have based my picture on the old engravings of the firmament, showing a flat world, and the heavens arched above and round it. I used lots of different stamps to create a scene, and drew in lines with black ink which are always seen in the old engravings. The angel at the bottom is pointing to the scroll, where the definition is written. I used twinkling H2Os to colour wash the scene after stamping everything in archival black. I went round the stars with a gold gel pen and added some Stickles to the sun, moon and the cherub's wings.

I am also linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show - 'S' - for a Scene with a Scroll, Sun, Stars, Stickles and Sparkles.

And it's Manon's Paper Saturdays, tooI have made a little favour bag. These are quick and easy to make for little presents,  and can be made bigger or smaller as required. This one will be filled with some home made cookies.

I made the Tag for Tag Tuesday, but didn't get round to blogging it till today. We have reached the letter 'v', so being big-headed I chose the word 'Valerie'. The photo-booth strip is ancient history, from the 1970s. It is always sooo hard to sit there and not make grimaces! I am linking the tag to Pan Pastel Challenge 'tags'

Sorry that the photos look scratchy. Firstly,  they are old and scratchy - like me - and secondly, I have a printer which will not print properly....

Hope you all have a good day, and a great weekend. Take care, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 6 June 2013

Friday is party time

Hi you all, another week is over and it's time for Paint Party Friday again, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. I have made a spread in my giant journal again, which I am also linking to Piarom's 'Mix it monthly' challenge 'Vintage meets Picasso'.
I had a lot of fun painting, collaging, stamping, stenciling and doodling here. I did the background with yellow and purple, and added in some blue here and there to fill the gaps. The ladies who are floating around have been stenciled using color-box ink in peonie, and I have partly outlined them with a gel-pen, leaving other parts to let them melt into the background. I put 'my' head into the left corner, and beautified it with eyes and a mouth from an advert. The images were black and white, so I was able to colour them as I wanted. The legs, shoes and painty hands are all from different adverts, mixed with parts of Conny's 'Picasso'. The butterflies were cut with an X-cut punch, and the quote is from Harlan Edison. I know a lot of people don't like him, but I do, although he is rather impossible sometimes....I had great fun doodling the patterns and  flowers, and adding in lines and squares at different places. As this also has a lot of numbers on it (CWS stencil) I am also linking to Dawn's Journal Journeys where the theme this month is numbers.

I put the eyes on the bosom because I know a lot of men like to look women in the eyes....

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Jewel in my Crown

Hi you all!
Well, actually, the only crowns I have are dental ones, without jewels, but never mind!
The challenge over at  Out of a Hat this week is 'jewel in the crown', and here is my card:

The background has been stamped using various stamps from LaBlanche, and then the lion and window were stamped twice and fussy cut to make them pop a bit. 
And someone is behind the window, watching....

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!