Thursday 27 December 2012


Hi you all! The holidays are over, the year is almost over, and I was fighting this week to try to get something done for PPF. I have once again re-used an old canvas - 28x20", which I have painted with metallic paints in green, blue and turquoise. Before painting I put different papers on the canvas, and some gauze, partly to cover up some holes in the canvas, and partly just to see what would happen. The first coat of paint was very watered down, and then I added more layers using a thick brush and my  fingers. I used different Adirondack sprays in green, blue and plum, and some gold ink, sprayed water onto the colours and let them run, and then spread them with my fingers.  When it had dried I added more spray, and then used the heat gun to 'bubble' it a bit, which gave a nice texture. Then I played with stickles and  perfect pearls, adding more layers of colour. I then added various, mostly metallic bits and bobs from my 'bit box', including two old tags. I just like experimenting. I think I would like to do something to the left side, but I don't yet know what. Time will tell. Perhaps....

The 'bubbled' texture

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

Hope you all have a good weekend. Take care, and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Tag Swap and a Rainbow

Hi you all, hope you have been enjoying a wonderful Christmas up till now! Here it is wet and (almost) warm, we have had temperatures of over 50, and in the south of Germany it was even more. The snow has gone, and today we even had a rainbow - the first time I have seen one at Christmas!

The tags are from a swap organized over at Tag Tuesday. I would like to thank all who took part, Carolyn who organized it, and all the ladies who sent such gorgeous tags!

I unfortunately do not know who made the wonderful  bird. Thanks a lot, anyway!

The lovely red Santa came from Anni in Denmark, thanks a lot!

The beautiful snowflakes came from Barb. Thank you!

The red doors open up here to show a gorgeous snowman, which I forgot to photograph!
Thanks a lot, Martha,  sorry I don't have a blog addy.

The beautiful white lace tag, which has been hand stitched is from Elizabeth. Thanks a lot!

Enjoy your holidays, take care, and thanks a lot for dropping in!

Sunday 23 December 2012

Happy Holidays

Wishing you all happy and peaceful holidays and all the blessings of the Season!

Here is a collage of some wintry  photos taken in my little corner of the world.

Take care, have fun, and thanks for visiting!

Friday 21 December 2012

Paint Party Friday

Hi you all! it's time for another Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. I have re-used an old canvas, which gave me the background texture. I was intending it to be something else, but after I had knocked a cup of coffee over it, I decided to utilize the drips. I have used different metallic paints, gold ink, and some Adirondack spray in  plum. I added more texture with micro-beads sprinkled onto the wet paint.
The text is written in Hebrew,  and is the beginning of Psalm 130, 'Out of the depths I cry unto Thee, O Lord; Lord hear my voice'. The Hebrew text is pronounced  'Mim-aa-makim  keratikha Adonai; Adonai shima vekoli' just in case anyone wants to know. After the terrible shootings of innocent children and their teachers at Sandy Hook, I think we all want to cry out in pain and ask, 'Why?'

I had problems doing the letters, because of shaky hands and a gold Edding pen that was nearly empty and very scratchy, but will go over them when I have a new one, but on the whole I am satisfied with this painting.

And it's my birthday today,  Friday, December 21st. As I don't think that the Mayans were predicting the end of the world for today, I have baked a chocolate cake with lots of frosting. I'm not expecting any visitors, but one of the advantages of being alone is that you get to eat the cake all by yourself - of course, not all at once!

Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks for dropping in!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tag Tuesday & Out of a Hat....

Hi you all! I have been busy doing next to nothing these past couple of days, but I did manage to alter a notebook for the *winter* challenge at Out of a Hat Creations, Not really exciting, but definitely wintry!  The back and front are different, and I made a matching tag/ book-mark.

At Tag Tuesday the theme this week is to alter a bauble or make an ornament, so I made some little, ornamental tags which could be hung on a tree if I had one! Very original, too - sorry, but I think I have run out of Christmas ideas!

A Santa:

A Bauble:

And a Gingerbread man, who caught a cold after coming out of the oven!

Have a good day, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Ice skating & winter fashions 1900

Hi you all! It's still very frosty, snowy and icy here, and I am hoping for the warmer weather we have been promised in the next days.
While browsing in one of my old 'German Housewives' magazines from 1900 I saw these lovely images of skaters, and the lady dressed in her winter finery. Please feel free to download and copy the images if you would like to!

Have a good day, keep warm, and thanks for looking in!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tag Tuesday and Memory Shrine

Hi you all! Here is my tag for 'Deck the Halls' for Tag Tuesday. I found some Graphics 45 paper in my stash with carols on it, so used it for the background. The lovely window cut-out was sent me by a friend, as was the lantern, holly wreath and bow - just in time for this piece! I put a Christmas tree 'inside' the window, so it looks like you are looking in.

The challenge at 'out of  a hat' creations this week is to make a shrine. I have used a little tin which was once filled with delicious, mini Lindt chocolates. I did not paint the tin, as I thought it was too pretty to alter. I lined the inside with lace and some beaded flower trim, and added photos of my Mum and me as babies, some flowers and a butterfly. My Mum used to love yellow and lilac flowers, so I have used them here. I decorated the lid with some butterflies and a metal flower which used to be on a brooch of my Mum's. I used some old, lace hankies of my Mum's as a background. 
I am still very slow at crafting on account of my shaky fingers, but I am hopeful that sooner or later I will be able to craft without dropping everything I pick up at least 5 times!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!