Tuesday 1 May 2012

Tuesday tags on Tag Tuesday

Hi everybody, here's wishing you all a happy May 1st. The sun is shining here, so looks like it will be a nice day! I am happy to say that I have my tags for Tag Tuesday ready already! The theme this week is sewing, which is not really my thing, as I can't see enough to thread the needle, but I have managed a few large stitches, with which I tacked the sack-cloth and book-paper to the tag. The tag itself was made from some packaging, which I stamped with a random-crackle stamp in forest moss and vintage photo. Then I added a TH dress form, which I clothed with a leaf, cut from a scrap of ribbon, and 2 buttons. I have put a mini-thimble where the head should be. The sewing machine and scissors are freebies from Free Vintage stamps, which have been fussy cut and decoupaged. I placed another ribbon scrap 'under the needle' of the machine. A bow made of stitched ribbon completes the tag.

The second tag has been made from a collage from the same vintage blog, and I added the queen's head. I decoupaged some accessories, and added MOP buttons. I did some false stitching round the tag using my pokey tool and a black pen.

The photos of the flowering rape-seed fields were taken yesterday in a lane near here. They not only looked gorgeous, but the whole area was filled with their wonderfully sweet perfume.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Monday 30 April 2012

Monday again....

Hi everybody! A lot of people here have the day off today, as tomorrow is a bank holiday, and this way it makes a nice, long weekend. I have been busy doing (more or less) nothing; spending time on my recliner and reading. But I did do a bit of fussy cutting, cutting out images for future projects. Then I threw some of them away when I crumpled up the cut outs instead of the waste - grrrr! But a few survived, so I was able to do my tags for Tag Tuesday and The Cheerful Stamp Pad. So here's my DT piece for *Tea Time with the Queen*

The Royal crest has been cut out of an old book-cover that was torn, and the queen cut out of a prospect. The teacup is from the Graphics Fairy. I rolled it round a glue tube and then stuck down just the edges,letting the middle bulge (like mine!) to make it dimensional. The tea-bag has been cut from a paper scrap, and the thread was taken from a real tea-bag! I wonder what the Queen would say to this? Probably, *We are not amused*.... You still have a week to enter the challenge if you would like to do so!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Friday 27 April 2012

Postcard Challenge and Paint Party Friday

Hi you all, It's Friday again and that means time for partying - it's Darcy's Postcard Challenge Numer 17, where our participants are off to Norway, and Paint Party Friday Year 2, week 7. I was worried that I would not get my stuff finished this week, as I was not feeling so good, but I managed it, and now I will have a good rest over the weekend.

Cissie has not been feeling well, as she is worrying about Jason and what really happened when he disappeared for those few days. She is more than alarmed when Thelma brings her a newspaper cutting from the local Gazette:

Here is the text again in case the print is too small:
Our local reporter, Jake Grabbit, brings us some startling news of a break-in in the Funeral Parlour
‘Long Shadows’ last Friday evening. Neighbours were disturbed by the sounds of revelling and loud music, but nobody suspected at the time that it was coming from Mr. Deepdown’s Parlour. He told Jake that his ‘Gothic Crypt’ room of rest, tastefully decorated with black wallpaper and antique statues, had been misappropriated for an illegal party. ‘It looks awful!’ he said. ’Empty red wine and vodka bottles everywhere on the coffins, tomato sauce on the black carpet, fish and chip papers everywhere and one coffin stolen – just like that! I am shocked and disturbed at what has happened! It has really taken the fun out of my work!’
One neighbour, Ms Ima Noseyass, said she saw some black-caped figures carrying a coffin away in the early hours of the morning. ‘But that’s nothing strange with a business like that!’ she said.
The police spokesperson, Less Nollidge, said that they have no clue at all, but that they would undertake to find the persons responsible.
Our reporter will keep digging to bring you up to date with any new developments in this field.

Cissie considers cancelling her 5 day Norwegian Fjord Cruise, which she won for being first through the door when a bargain shop opened in her neighbourhood, where she had really pulled – or was it pushed? - her weight to get in first, heedless of the fallen and trampled in her wake. (The lady who was second is reported to have called Cissie ‘The battering ram from Brickwall Lane’.) But Thelma promises, with some trepidation, to keep an eye on Jason, and so they bring Cissie and her 4 cases to the airport. After the usual quibbling at the check-in, Jason foots the excess-baggage bill, and off Cissie goes, hoping that there are really no more Vikings in Norway....

They fly to Oslo, where they enjoy some sightseeing, and then board the coach taking them to Bergen, where they board their ship. They visit Voss, Stalheim, Gudvangen, Aurland, Flam and Myrdal before returning again to Oslo for the flight home.

(Photos from Wikipedia Commons)

The fresh sea air gives her an incredibly good appetite, and she enjoys huge meals of salmon, herrings, cod, cheeses and cream cakes, all washed down with copious amounts of tea. Here is the postcard she sends Jason and Thelma. I used a map of Norway and its environs, on which I coloured the Norwegian Flag, adding Cissie in a fetching norwegian knit pullover:

By the way, Cissie has asked me to tell you that although she gives her hair a colour rinse now and again, she does not perm her hair, as she has natural waves and curls.

For PPF I have another re-purposed canvas to show you, which has a re-cycled clock in it, so double recycling today. I used acrylic paints, which I heated to give texture, adding some small glass beads in before heating. Then I smeared on some Stickles and some perfect pearls for some more colour and shine, before fitting in the clock. The clock has been painted in the same fashion, just using a lighter background shade. I added the last remnants of my Prima flowers, and that was it. The last photo shows the 4 of the canvases made in the past few weeks together.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend,take care, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Tag Tuesday on Thursday

Hi everybody. At last I have managed to get the tags photographed and uploaded. I am still having a lot of dizzy spells, and the blood pressure is still high, although lower than at the beginning of the week, so that's good.

I have made 2 tags, with all the lilac/lavender/purple bits and bobs that I still had flying about on my working space. I am not too happy with them, but i don't have the energy to do anything else just now. Linking to Tag Tuesday

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for looking in. I'll be back tomorrow with the latest episode of Cissie and Jason!

Monday 23 April 2012

Manic Monday Again

Hi everybody, hope you have all had a good weekend and feel strong and fit to tackle the week to come. I had a lazy weekend, did some crafting, read a lot, listened to some old recordings of Kathleen Ferrier, and even managed to roast a chicken for lunch yesterday, which for me is really Haute Cuisine!

Today is the begin of a new challenge over at the Cheerful Stamp Pad - *Time for the Queen's Tea*. For my DT piece I have altered a little clock. I bought a supply of these clocks some time back at the 1€ shop, which is a good price for a working clock. I took off the hands and pulled off the face (sounds rather brutal!), cut a new circle of paper for the face, and stamped it with some Artemio London stamps. The crown has been
* bejeweled* with some liquid pearls. I added a red ribbon with red and white roses, put the hands back on, and now it is ticking merrily away on my kitchen wall.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Sunday 22 April 2012

Another re-purposed canvas

Hi everybody, hope you are all enjoying your weekend more than I am! It's been cold again here, and yesterday was more than changeable - thunder, lightning, rain, and wind chased each other all day.
I also spent a lot of time picking things up from the floor, as I evidently had a drop-me day yesterday, so hope my fingers are more cooperative today.

This is another of the re-purposed canvases I made last week. I used structure paste painted with two metallic colours, and pressed some punchinella into it to give more structure, leaving a piece in the paint. I also scattered in some odd beads and bits of broken earrings while it was all wet. I added a few prima flowers and a dragonfly charm to finish it off. The colours look different in the first pic because the electric light was on!

I have another 2 canvases on the go, which I will show you soon.

Have a nice Sunday you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Friday 20 April 2012

Jason on a trip to Romania?

Hi everybody, it's Friday again and that means time for Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, where the participants this week are supposed to be in Romania.

Cissie has been trying to get in touch with Jason for several days, but he doesn’t seem to be home. He doesn’t answer the phone, and doesn’t pop by to join her for lunch at the fish and chip shop. She is a bit worried, because he is usually quite attentive, but then she thinks he has perhaps met a nice girl, or gone out with his friends and got drunk, or both….She decides to wait one more day, and then to go and visit him.
But on the following day, he turns up, hungry as a wolf, and looking a bit pale and tired. She decides he needs feeding up, and they go off for a double portion of fish and chips, before buying a large pack of cream-cakes at Tesco’s to take home for tea. Then she decides to ask what’s up.

Where have you been the past few days? I tried to phone you?
Me? asks Jason. I was at home. Last Friday I went to see *Twilight* with some friends I met at the pub. And then we went back to their place for some drinks and a bit of fun.
Cissie refrains from asking what he means by *a bit of fun*, as she is not sure if she wants to know….
Well, and then?
Yeah, well, I was feeling a bit strange. They gave me some drinks, and then I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up I was lying in bed in a room with black wallpaper and black curtains, and I just felt awful. They weren’t there, so I got dressed and went home, had a shower and here I am….
Yes, but Jason, it’s Tuesday today. You can’t have slept all that time!
Well, I don’t know. I was having such strange dreams. Flying over old castles in Romania, skulking around in Transylvania, and partying at an old castle with loads of Draculas. Those dreams were like real! Scary!

(Photos from Wikipedia Commons)

Perhaps you had too much to drink? Or do you think they slipped you something in your drink?
Whatever, I’m happy to be feeling half-ways normal today. Except for the mosquito bites! A couple must have bitten me in the neck, the little buggers!
Jason enjoys his afternoon, and decides to sleep at Auntie Cissie’s for the night. He goes to bed early, and sleeps like a log. He wakes up the next morning feeling better, and decides to go to work and get his shop up and running.
Later on the Postie brings Cissie a card from Jason, posted in Romania....It has been written in red, and rather confused....

Was that Jason in Romania??
More next week!

For PPF I would like to share a canvas I painted last weekend. It is one which I have re-used, so I am showing some different stages of the re-make. I once again used a template to give some structure, before painting with layers of different colours, and adding some Stickles and a TH Die-cut. I have called it *Purple Rain Man*

And last, but definitely not least, I want to show you a lovely book and card I got from Tracey in a little swap we made. I sent her Mozart Balls and tea, and she sent me a hard-backed note book, which I will use to write quotes and anecdotes about beverages in, and one of her beautiful cards. I can only say, that the photos do not do justice to her wonderful work; they are so much nicer in real life!! Thanks a lot Tracey, and enjoy your balls....(an Austrian chocolate speciality for those who don't know them!)

Sorry, this has been a really long post, hope you have enjoyed it. Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks for visiting!