Friday 20 April 2012

Jason on a trip to Romania?

Hi everybody, it's Friday again and that means time for Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, where the participants this week are supposed to be in Romania.

Cissie has been trying to get in touch with Jason for several days, but he doesn’t seem to be home. He doesn’t answer the phone, and doesn’t pop by to join her for lunch at the fish and chip shop. She is a bit worried, because he is usually quite attentive, but then she thinks he has perhaps met a nice girl, or gone out with his friends and got drunk, or both….She decides to wait one more day, and then to go and visit him.
But on the following day, he turns up, hungry as a wolf, and looking a bit pale and tired. She decides he needs feeding up, and they go off for a double portion of fish and chips, before buying a large pack of cream-cakes at Tesco’s to take home for tea. Then she decides to ask what’s up.

Where have you been the past few days? I tried to phone you?
Me? asks Jason. I was at home. Last Friday I went to see *Twilight* with some friends I met at the pub. And then we went back to their place for some drinks and a bit of fun.
Cissie refrains from asking what he means by *a bit of fun*, as she is not sure if she wants to know….
Well, and then?
Yeah, well, I was feeling a bit strange. They gave me some drinks, and then I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up I was lying in bed in a room with black wallpaper and black curtains, and I just felt awful. They weren’t there, so I got dressed and went home, had a shower and here I am….
Yes, but Jason, it’s Tuesday today. You can’t have slept all that time!
Well, I don’t know. I was having such strange dreams. Flying over old castles in Romania, skulking around in Transylvania, and partying at an old castle with loads of Draculas. Those dreams were like real! Scary!

(Photos from Wikipedia Commons)

Perhaps you had too much to drink? Or do you think they slipped you something in your drink?
Whatever, I’m happy to be feeling half-ways normal today. Except for the mosquito bites! A couple must have bitten me in the neck, the little buggers!
Jason enjoys his afternoon, and decides to sleep at Auntie Cissie’s for the night. He goes to bed early, and sleeps like a log. He wakes up the next morning feeling better, and decides to go to work and get his shop up and running.
Later on the Postie brings Cissie a card from Jason, posted in Romania....It has been written in red, and rather confused....

Was that Jason in Romania??
More next week!

For PPF I would like to share a canvas I painted last weekend. It is one which I have re-used, so I am showing some different stages of the re-make. I once again used a template to give some structure, before painting with layers of different colours, and adding some Stickles and a TH Die-cut. I have called it *Purple Rain Man*

And last, but definitely not least, I want to show you a lovely book and card I got from Tracey in a little swap we made. I sent her Mozart Balls and tea, and she sent me a hard-backed note book, which I will use to write quotes and anecdotes about beverages in, and one of her beautiful cards. I can only say, that the photos do not do justice to her wonderful work; they are so much nicer in real life!! Thanks a lot Tracey, and enjoy your balls....(an Austrian chocolate speciality for those who don't know them!)

Sorry, this has been a really long post, hope you have enjoyed it. Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 19 April 2012

A small canvas

After a very windy and chilly day yesterday, and a frosty night, I am hoping that I will not have to freeze so much today. It is just raining today, everything is grey in grey, and I woke to the cheerful sound of raindrops dripping off the branches.... And to crown it all, I seem to have caught a cold, so am not too happy about that. But rainy weather is a good time to stay home and be creative!

Yesterday I did not get very far with my H*******K. I did mop the floors, but then when I wanted to tidy the kitchen, I saw the paints and embellies I had got ready to re-use some canvases, and somehow I had to play with them.... This little canvas is one of the results. 2 others are half finished, so there will be more to come. The canvas has been painted with structure paste, and then with layers of greens, purple, blue and some black. I added Stickles again for some glitter and shine, and decorated it with some Prima and other flowers and berries. The canvas is 10x10 cms.

So, I will be having an easy day today, I want this cold to go away, so that means some rest! How good that one can rest so well while painting.... Have a good day you all, take care and thanks for coming by!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Another catty hanging

Good morning you all. It's the middle of the week today; as always, the time is flying. I spent a few hours with my friend Inge yesterday, it's always a nice change to all the other days on my own.
It's still very cold and windy here, something like a cross between April and a deep freeze. But at least it's not raining (yet)!

Today I want to share the second wooden hanging I made at the weekend. It has worked like the one from yesterday, just some other flowers and a different cat. I am linking again to Artful times and Simon Says Stamp and Show - anything goes.

Today I need to do a bit of the dreaded H*******k, not nice, but necessary!

Have a good day you all, take care and thanks for looking in!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tag Tuesday Tag & a Challenge

Hi you all! It's Tuesday already, and time for another Tag Tuesday Tag.
The background of the tag is a piece of waste cardboard which I used to try out colours while painting last week. I added some floral rub-ons and a butterfly-creation. I found the decorative butterfly while clearing out recently. The body was unfortunately missing, so I replaced it with one of my little heads. Well, not one of my little heads; I just have one and it is rather large. But one I made in a mold and rubbed with Inka Gold in bronze. I fixed it all together using a hot glue gun, and this is the rather strange result....

And for the Artful times Challenge I have made a wall hanging. The theme this time is *a sea of greens* for the background. I used the chipboard backing from an old photo frame, painted it with different green tones, rubbed it with some perfect pearls medium and sprinkled on perfect pearls in green and bronze. After it had been heat dried, I added some stickles in green and bronze again; the bronze gives the green more depth. The cat is one of 3 chipboard die-cuts which I have had for ages. I grounded them with gesso, and then coloured them with DI bundled sage before adding perfect pearls in green and bronze again. Then I arranged the different embellies from my stash, and that was it. I have started a second one which I hope to finish later. I am also linking to Simon says stamp and show, where anything goes this week.

Have a good day you all, take care and thanks a lot for visiting!

Monday 16 April 2012

Manic Monday

Hi everybody, just a quickie today as I have a lot to do.
I have made a tag for my DT piece for the second week of the *past times* challenge over at The Cheerful Stamp Pad, sponsored by Altered Pages.
The tag has been cut using TH's cabinet card die, stamped with a BG stamp in resist ink, and then coloured with vintage photo. The second layer is a script stamp (LaBlanche), stamped with the same colour, and then the image stamped on top of that, once again using the same ink. It appears to be a little darker because it has been clear embossed. I gave the lady a necklace of liquid pearls, and decorated the tag with some vintage lace, a narrow ribbon, and a flower made up of die-cut old paper from the 18th century with a prima flower sandwiched between. I fixed it together with a string knot.
I finished it off with a metal word *spirit*

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for looking!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Sunday, cold and damp and no sun

Good morning you all. No spring feelings to the weather here just now, just plain cold and damp; not my favourite, and not good for aching bones either. But on the plus side, I slept till after 8 this morning, which was good, as I am mostly awake before 6.
Yesterday I had fun watching the blue-tits devouring the fat balls on my balcony. A couple of sparrows joined in, but they all got their turn. Then a big, black crow arrived and started feeding. The little birds were all in the tree, really getting their knickers in a twist about the big intruder, who looked like he was going to eat everything. Then the blue-tits all flew at him together, and he flattered off, croaking loudly his lament, and the littl'uns were once again the kings of the castle and able to enjoy *their* food.

Today I just have one tag to share. I spent a lot of time painting yesterday, but it's not finished yet. I have made a tag with a sponged ink background for the Unruly Paper Arts RAQ 1. I used my birch tree mask, and sponged gradient colours of DI through the trees. The word *Treasure* has been used as focal image over the trees, and I added some prima flowers and ribbon in complementary colours. I am also linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show, where this week a TH technique must be used.

Okay, that's all for today. Have a good Sunday, whatever the weather, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Saturday 14 April 2012

And the Winner Is....

Hi everybody, it's weekend again!
27 people left comments on my giveaway post, I put the names in my grey cap, shook them up, and then pulled a winner! And it is...................drumroll................Carol of SilverSprings Acres of Love. Then, because it was fun, I pulled another name, Sue from Sue the Iron. Both ladies will be receiving little packages with tags and some crafty surprises, I will get them off on Monday. Sue, I don't have your email, please contact me with your details! I have Carol's mail addy already.

The following tag has been made with the Craft Room Challenge - Music - in mind. I have made a double tag. Both tags have been stamped with a music score (LaBlanche). The background tag was first stamped with my fave background stamp and resist ink, and sponged with DI vintage photo. I stamped the top tag with my Leonardo Da Vinci lady, who has been coloured with water-colour pencils. The quote is from Shakespeare, and the trimmings from my stash.

Here's wishing you all a relaxing day. Have fun, take care and thanks a lot for dropping in!