Sunday 25 December 2011

More Journal Pages

Holiday time is a difficult time to be alone, so the past couple of days were rather sad. Well, at least I didn't have to cook for anyone, and could spend my days crafting as always....
I hate to do this to you again, but once again a song has crept into my work - *Pictures of Matchstick men* - from Status Quo, which has been going round in my head for days; now it will surely do the same for you! And for those of you who have perhaps forgotten how it goes, here it is:

I have used predominantly grey in the pages, more or less matching my mood. The pictures and images have been printed in black and white; some have been applied as dry transfers, as I like the rather ragged look this gives. Others have been collaged,and mixed with some London images. As a kid I used to call the guards *matchstick men* - perhaps because they always stood so still and straight. I have used two TH die cuts, the dress form, which has been *Stamped* using the *waste* from the die-cut, and the umbrella man.

Here's wishing you all a good day. Take care, and thanks for visiting!

Happy Holidays You All!

Happy Holidays to you all, whatever you may be celebrating, and enjoy the time you can spend in the company of family, friends and loved ones.

Take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!

Saturday 24 December 2011

'Twas the Day before Christmas...

Good morning you all! Hope you have all finished running round in circles and that everything is ready for the big day.
I wrapped up the last of my presents yesterday, and that was about it.
I finished the journal pages I started for PPF, so now the spread is complete; the second page is just as depressing as the first one!

I hope that the next pages will improve!

Here's wishing you all a good day, happy holidays whatever you are celebrating, and don't forget to take care of yourselves! Thanks for looking in!

Friday 23 December 2011

Paint Party Friday Week # 41

Good morning you all. Today is Paint Party Friday, hosted by Kristin and Eva, and the last one before Christmas.
I had my last visit to the dentist yesterday. He was very satisfied, so I was happy to hear that, and will be happy not to see him for a while, although he really is a good dentist, and a nice chap, too!

For Paint Party Friday I doodled some faces, eyes and mouths, using pen and ink and water colour pencils. I don't really know whay I painted it, it just happened, like so many things!

Here's wishing you all a good day. Hope you have now all finished your preparations, and have some time for a breather. Take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 22 December 2011

Thanks a Lot....

Hi You all! First of all many, many thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes you posted on my blog yesterday, and also to all who sent cards and presents. Makes a nice contrast to my dear family, who once again oversaw the date.... But I suppose they are not worth worrying about, although somehow it still hurts!
I spent the day with my friend Inge. I bought some nice cake from the bakers in the afternoon, which we enjoyed with coffee, and in the evening I made us fried potato cakes with smoked salmon and a sour cream dip, very nice, even if not exactly haute cuisine!
Now I just have to get through the coming holidays, and then I will have survived it all for another year. Yoohoo!

The journal pages I have made on and off over the past few days. I had the music of the song *Windmills in my mind* going round in my head and these pages were the result. I have written the text of the song along the dividing lines *in my head*.

Here's wishing you all a great day. Hope you have all finished with your Xmas preparations now. One of the positive things of being alone at this time, is that it saves a lot of work.... Take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Happy Birthday to me

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me....

Have a good day you all, I'll be back tomorrow!

Monday 19 December 2011

More little notebooks....

Good morning you all. Hope you are all more or less finished with your holiday preparations, and not in too much stress just now! I overslept today, didn't wake up till 10.15!
I went into my notebook workshop again today, and managed five little blue and white ones, and spent the rest of the day sorting photos and watching TV.
The notebooks have been made with some double sided cardstock, one side in dark blue, with a lovely pearly shimmer, and the other side looks like watered silk. It doesn't how so well in the photos. Each book has a pocket inside the front cover with 2 tags. I left off all embellishments to make them easier to pop into a pocket or purse.

So, just a short post today, need to do a little bit of H*******k!
Have a good day, take care of yourselves, and thanks for dropping in!