Thursday 14 August 2014

Frida in blue and gold

Hi everybody!

I know I say every week that time flies quicker and quicker, but it's true - another week is nearly over, and it's time for Paint Party Friday again - hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. And I am sure it will not exactly come as a surprise when I tell you that I have taken Frida Kahlo as my subject again! We are all in Frida Fever just now!
I used 2 canvases, 15x8", which had been painted dark blue and stenciled with a diamond pattern at some time in the distant past and then somehow hidden under a pile of junk stash. Anyway, I first pasted  a triangle from the bottom almost up to the stop, using a thick mixture of  metallic paint and  bead gel. I used a spatula for this as it was too thick for a brush. Then I sprinkled a handful of micro-beads over it, and waited, not exactly patiently, for 2 days till it was dry. The pictures of Frida Kahlo were mirrored,  printed out, and fussy cut. I soaked them in water to make them more pliable, and then glued them with decoupage glue from LaBlanche. When they were dry I used 2 coats of glossy varnish to make them more durable. Then I had some sticky fun with glue and gilding flakes, and that was it.
I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Frida Kahlo.

Today was cold and mostly wet. It was gray and overcast in the morning:

And not much better in the afternoon

And the horses  just carried on as always....

Here's wishing you all a great day. Have fun, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The paintings are wonderful, LOVE them, just fantastic. Wonderful colours, too, blue and gold are my faves. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Gorgeous creation of Frida ~ lovely colors and textures ~ love your photography also ~

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Two awesome pieces Valerie, , the textures and colours look FAB.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Ich stimme dir zu, je älter man wird, desto schnelle vergeht die Zeit. Ich frage mich immer wo die Stunden-Tage-Wochen geblieben sind.....
    Deine beiden Frida - Keilrahmen sind klasse. Tolle Idee Frida mit Gold zu umrahmen.

  5. Loving your Frida phase!!! Weird weather here too. Such heavy rain here today... I managed to avoid it all tucked up cosily with my paints :)

    Karen x

  6. Wow, these are beautiful Valerie, well worth the drying time! The weather has been the same here and it's been a fair bit cooler too, I had to cosy myself with a blanket today. Lol xx

  7. Ooohh so far this is my favorite Frida art you have created. It has been raining here in Florence, OR for three days now.
    Have a great weekend

    1. It's pouring here, too. Hope your eye is better!

  8. Awesome Frida. Nice job you are doing on the Frida's. Wish it would rain over here. Great photos. Hope you are doing well. Take care.:)me

  9. Valerie these are very interesting, beautiful textures and colours and an air of mystery around them!

  10. Wow! The paintings are stunning and would stand out in any exhibition. Love the blue and the gold together and the way you fitted in Frida.

    Rain was forecast for us but never arrived and it is sunny again today.

    Love your horse photographs and the way they always look so healthy and relaxed.

    Have a good day today

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Glad you have some sun - the rain is here! It will be raincoat and wellies walkies today!

  11. Deine Fridas sind so elegant und edel!
    Ich bin total begeistert!
    Wunderschöne Landschaftsbilder sind das wieder!
    Hab einen guten Freitag Valerie!
    Happpy PPF!

  12. Whatever the weather, Frida is always an inspiration! Just beautiful!
    Happy PPF :)
    no. 24

  13. That texture is rich, luxurious and mysterious, so beautiful.

  14. Magic Frida in regal colours. Fantastic work, Valerie.
    Have a happy weekend,

  15. What super colours for your Frida, Just loving this one.xx
    ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  16. What wonderful paintings. Valerie. I love the fabulous texture and blue colour. Another super Frida!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Hugs, Mar

  17. Such strikingly beautiful paintings Valerie. Love reading how you achieved them. Have a great summer. xx

  18. Wow, that texture is gorgeous, and I love that deep blue from the background!

  19. All I an say is WOW! The beads and gold really make this a special piece! Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Love this version of Miss Frida. She almost looks like religious icon with that long blue dress and the gold halo.

  21. These are so beautifull. I love those gilding flakes I have some and don't use them enough. The bead gel looks great I will have to get myself some of that.

  22. Wow, these are absolutely stunning! Love the gilding flakes, it makes Frida look totally majestic, that the beads are the frosting on the cake here! Hope the sun shines a bit more today for you. Big hugs, ~Diane

  23. Valerie, your Frida with the microbeads is just fabulous! Very beautiful. Do you ever wonder what Frida would think of all the attention that is being given her now that she is gone?

  24. Very nice macro, I love the beauty of the details in these photos, your wonderful artwork with Frida, my passion!

  25. Deine blau goldenen Friedas sind wunderschön! Ich starte demnächst auch ein Frida Projekt!

  26. gorgeous Frida art-I love the blue background and those wonderful textural layers you gave her!

  27. Really lovely and beautifully textured Valerie and just love that blue too.
    Great photos as always and the sky looks like ours did yesterday..
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  28. BEAUTIFUL!!! I wish I could see these canvases in real life! How in the world do you think u all of these things to do? You are like the mad scientist of artists. Really fantastic Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  29. What a wonderful effect you achieved with your micro beads! I have a medium loaded with those beads that I have never used yet! So cool! Maybe, I'll find a way to incorporate them into something! Happy PPF!

  30. Wow! Love what you did! love the texture and the bold color and the GOLD! beautiful!!!!!!!

  31. Those gold flakes really make Frida "pop"! I also seem to comment about time flying but we can not tell a lie. It's true!

  32. The gold makes her pop. Good add. Blessings, Janet PPF

  33. It is such a treat to visit. Your textures are luscious and as always, I love the scenes you photograph. Have a lovely week.

  34. Love all of the beautiful textures and colors on these.... The gold really makes it POP!!!!!

  35. Lovely textured dress, the gold makes a great halo effect. xox

  36. My very favorite painting of Frida and you have done such marvelous things with it. LOVE. Nice walk Valerie. hugs, Donna

  37. Beautiful Frida!!! Love the mix of blue and gold. Lovely texture :)


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