Monday 5 August 2024

Monday-Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.  On Saturday I was out and about for a few hours with Heike. While she had her hair styled I went shopping and enjoyed a nice cappuccino while I was at it. When we were finished we went for a Saturday Soup at Cafe Schuster. Every Saturday they serve a different soup, with a nice roll and a drink. No, I didn't drink coffee with it , I took a Cola Light. We had barley soup with veggies and beef in it - delicious. And you get a huge bowl of soup. The bowls are almost as big as the potties some people used to have under their beds in the good old days!

A few weeks back I bought a new smart phone, and I have been trying and trying to get my main mail address put into it. Every time I put in the email address and password, it told me that either the name or the password was wrong. I was sure I had my name right so day by day I have been trying to find a password that might be the right one. Then I looked at it again. Names in e-mail addies are written without capital letters. And my name had a capital letter at the beginning, big and ugly. I changed it and - voilà - success at last! Honestly, how stupid can you get? I wasted hours because of this. Next time I will be more careful!  

Today I have a hybrid piece for Jo's beautifully wild challenge at AJJ. The background was painted and collaged, and the beads and Alice were added digitally. I wanted it to be more than wild!

And I have some  cups ready for tomorrow! I'm showing this coffee maker again as some may have missed it at the weekend:

And this is really ugly, but he's got coffee!

And in my rather wild painting there is tea and coffee on offer!

And once again I have an eclectic mix of funnies, thinkies and photos etc:

I love taking photos of the anchor by the Rhine -  here are a few taken at different times:

Have a great start in the new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 3 August 2024

Wild for the weekend

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good weekend. I'm looking forward to a quiet one, with time for painting, reading and going for walks. 

Today I have another A3 piece made with lots of paint and it is really wild. I started it some time back, and now I have finished it and used up lots of paint that was getting dry. The writing round the edge says:

The ever turning circle of life and colour -  always changing, never stopping, regulating life and death:

I hope this piece is wild enough to join Jo's 'beautifully wild' challenge  at AJJ:

And as always I have some photos, funnies, thinkies and Zinnis:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 1 August 2024

New challenge at AJJ - Wonderfully wild

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Art Jouney Journal , and this time the lovely and talented Jo from  Let'sArt Journal is our host. Thanks to Halle of Halle's Hobbies, who hosted last month's theme!

For my interpretation of this theme I have a collage. The background is a large, 12" page from La Blanche, and I collaged 2 laughing zebra's. I cut into the mane of the Zebra on the left and 'dressed' it to look a bit wild:

And I have some not so wild pictures taken this morning when I was in Düsseldorf for an appointment:

The flowers and little park are at the end of König's Allee, the most exclusive street in town, and mostly very expensive. And no, I don't shop there! Usually there are people sitting on the grass but it was too early for that this morning!

Some of the new buildings are architecturally interesting, but that doesn't mean that I like them!

Mr Schadow also gave his name to another shopping street:

I like the look of this stange pyramid, but haven't walked up it yet:

And some fcunnies and thinkies:

I will also be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!