Thursday 24 August 2023

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another piece for Chris' challenge 'where in the world' at AJJ. The background picture is a free-to-use photo taken by Drew Rae and found at Pexels, and  the other characters were added from my collection of odds and sods. The 2 ladies are hand-made lino cuts, ca. 6'' tall that I made back in the day when I could still use my fingers properly. The quote is from Nelson Mandela:

And On Friday we will be enjoying Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF, where I will also be linking.

So here some faces, dug up from my vaults:

This is my Great Grandmother again:

And this lady looks sad:

And this I made in 2020. I drew the figure onto folded paper, cut round it  through all the layers and pasted it onto the first page of a new journal I was starting. We used to make paper dollies and animals like this when I was small. The positive attributes I used for their heads were a freebie from Tam:

This is also an ancient piece:

Child reality back in the late 19th/early 20th centuries:

Journal pages- top left is a photo of my mum, me and my big sister Ruth in the early 1950's. I remember I was standing on a box to make myself look bigger!

This was made after a trip to London and a wonderful concert I enjoyed while I was there:

I think everone knows this man - I just hope the leaf doesn't fall into my coffee:

The photo is one I took in the fields at the bottom of our street. I digitally changed it to look like a painting and then added an overlay - fun!

And this is the Sky disc from Nebra - a wonderful face!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Midweek Post - owls and more

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday we started a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time it was not my fault that we had some problems. Thanks to Sandie who helped get everything sorted, and now the blog is up and running. Our theme is owls, and we have wonderful examples from Sandie and Wendy to inspire you!

I made a very quick hybrid tag;

I am looking forward to seeing your creations at Tag Tuesday. You have 2 weeks to join us, and tags of all formats are very welcome!

And I have another still life to share, I'm finding it hard to stop painting these  pictures! Same ideas, different colors. This is once again an A3 page painted with acrylics:

And some thinkies / funnies:

And some nice jokes for a good laugh - pass them on, make others laugh, too!

Tomorrow I hope to be back again with another piece for Chris's 'where in the world challenge' at AJJ - I am having problems keeping up with so many challenges!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 21 August 2023

It's Monday again....

Hi Everybody!

The weekend flew by again. Here it has been very hot again, so not my cup of tea! Today I have one more piece for Sandie's sewing challenge at Tag Tuesday. I sewed the edges together using my neighbour's machine, mine has stopped working again. If you look at the table and shelves in the background there are also glasses and a coffee pot, so this will double as my ticket for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, which will be beginning Monday evening:

I painted this in the night from Friday to Saturday. We had a storm with thunder and lightning and it woke me up. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I went into my kitchen and painted using the leftover paints on my palette. I grabbed an A3 sheet of kraft paper and just doodled round and round in circles. I put a green eye in the middle, and added some insect stick-ons which were on my table. I wrote the title on the edge - 'In the eye of the storm'. Then I went to bed and slept!

We went for a meal at the Pizzerie again. I had Penne with salmon and Heike had broccoli and cheese bake:

We had our usual non-alcoholic Weizen beer:

And afterwards we had coffee - what else?

And some balcony photos:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!