Monday 27 July 2020

Tuesday/Wednesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying life.
We even had a few rain-drops again on Monday, not enough to make anything wet, but at least something!

Today I have a hybrid piece put together from  photos taken at various times, seen on my balcony or on my walks. The blackbird is my most frequent visitor here, if there's no food outside he complains long and loud till I put some out for him. I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ - birds belong to summer days:

One of my balloon flowers:

I was in Düsseldorf last week and the flower beds look good:

The town has allowed lots of booths selling food and refreshments to open up. Many people are afraid to eat / drink inside and prefer to be outside. This helps a lot of businesses which have lost trade during the Corona Pandemic.

Fruits dipped in chocolate:

Fried sausages and chips (fries):

Then I went through Hofgarten:

The cormorant was drying off:

Here he looks like he's lost his head:

Morning gymnastics:

Lots of gulls:

The Canadian Geese were taking a midday stroll:

On the other side of Hofgarten a little cafe has opened up:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend - have a great, new week!

This evening we will be starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Pinky , who is a fabulous and very talented crafter, is hosting and has chosen the theme - Christmas. Not my fave theme in July, but if we get some hot days it might be good to concentrate on cold and snow.... My tag features a photo of a tree on the street where I live, with some images from Serif. And  we all need peace and joy all the year round. Tags of all formats are welcome at Tag Tuesday, and you have 2 weeks to join us. This could be your chance to 'start early for Christmas!' The challenge goes live this evening at 8 pm:

And Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday also begins this evening, so here a warm welcome to the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

I always like looking in the windows of this huge 'Trödel' - flea-market shop. I don't go in just now, but enjoy seeing the myriads of treasures in the window - here lots of table ware among other things:

And I went twice to my fave ice cafe last week. I enjoy sitting outside watching the people who go by. We all have to wear masks when we are in shops, buses and trams but outside people mostly carry their masks ready to put them back on when necessary:

I got a differently coloured mug each time.  On the table you can see the list where people 'sign in' as a corona control:

I made some quick sketches while sitting there to show how people carry their masks.  Some ladies carried the folded mask like a little handbag, others wore the mask as a bracelet. And others were 'button danglers':

Some use it to keep their chins warm, and others push it onto their foreheads:

And of course, there is the classical one ear-dangler

I put my mask into a little plastic bag and put it into my pocket....but the important thing is to wear it when other people are about!

Pretty cups and more in the interior-design shop:

Some pics from our 'main' street:

Lots of shops have reduced their prices to encourage people to buy:

I enjoyed walking by the lakes here:

The weather has been very changeable, but we only got a few spots of rain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 25 July 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I am sharing an A4 mixed media piece made with corrugated card  from a parcel I got recently. I peeled part of the card to show the structure and gave it a coat of gesso, before collaging with napkin scraps and pieces from a vintage book and old letters.  And I used some stickles to make it sparkle. Both pieces were sewed together with zigzag stitch and I used a scrap of burlap as a sort of bow. Some fibres and feathers were bound together with a blue ribbon as an embellishment. I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ, as this shows a summery scene, and to Paperbabe stamps, summertime:

When I take the tram into town , I always walk a part of  the way in each direction. On the way there I walk the last part through the beautiful old cemetery that I like so much, and on the way back I take a path which leads past a meadow full of beautiful horses:

This one was on a roll and having fun kicking up the dust:

And some morning walk pics - the harvest is almost finished:

The heron was walking through the fields looking for breakfast:

I'll be back with my next post on Monday.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!