Monday 28 October 2019

T stands for Tag Tuesday and XanTen

Hi Everybody!

The sun is shining here this morning, although it's really cold. Sounds like good weather for walking!
I have another tag for my 'anything goes' challenge at Tag Tuesday. There is still a week to join us, so hope to see some of you doing just that!

This one has a painted and glittered background, and is 11 1/2" x 4 1/2". I matted it with some orange card to give a contrast and sewed it together. The little skellies are die-cuts from Sizzix,and the owl frieze has been punched. The black bats are also Sizzix die-cuts:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
 I drank my cappuccino at various places.

At the baker's:

Here on the market square:

And on the Market Square at Xanten, an ancient town founded by the Romans:

 We did lots of walking last week. On Saturday Nathalie drove us to Xanten, and there is lots to see there, including a large archaeological park. The Romans called the town 'Colonia Ulpia Traiana' after the Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus. Xanten also has a wonderful Cathedral and lots of quaint streets and houses to visit. And there is a lake near the archaeological park, and we had fun walking all round it. On that day I did over 22,000 steps:

Here we are on a 'selfie spot' with the roman walls in the background:

And here at the lake:

I took a lot of pics, here are just a few, the rest I will show in another post.

The view of the cathedral from the parking lot:

A rusty sculpture:

We saw a lot of old pumps:

A Gothic house ( I had coffee there last time I was in Xanten!)

A model of the town in the middle ages:

The beautiful Cathedral:

The old towers along the town walls:

Some colourful inhabitants:

A sculpture showing women fetching water from the pump - a hard task:

The mill still works:

The video is a few seconds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 26 October 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! From Saturday evening on we are expecting cold, wet and windy weather again, but the few days with sunshine have been great, and I was out and about lots to make the most of it. Autumn and Halloween are my fave seasons!

Today I am sharing another A3 Mixed media spooky piece to get us into the Halloween spirit. This has been painted, sprayed, dripped, doodled and stamped. The gold parts were stamped using a glue pad and a special gold foil:

 The hawk  again:

And being mobbed by a crow and a magpie:

The woodpecker who loves to eat my feeders empty:

Some beautiful morning scenes:

And more fungi:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!