Monday 22 April 2019

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a happy holiday weekend and were able to enjoy time with family and friends. Here we are enjoying hot and sunny weather, it feels like summer. It won't last long, so that makes it precious. But I am not feeling so happy today. It is the 30th anniversary of my husband's death and would have been  my  47th wedding anniversary, so lots of memories which have been keeping me awake.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Michele is hosting and has chosen 'faces' as her theme. She has several wonderful and inspirational tags on our blog, so hope to see you joining in, too.
I made a hybrid tag using a hand-painted background, a doodled bird, a face from Dezinaworld and some elements from Serif:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so here I would like to welcome all the lovely ladies of the T Gang. It is also Elizabeth's birthday, so here's wishing her a happy one. I made an extra tag with a face you will recognise and a cup. I used a stencil from Stencilry combined with a photo from me, naturally a large mug of cappuccino:

Last week I visited this 'Porcelain clinic', a place where they repair, and sell, vintage porcelain, glass and ceramic. There is an electric train in the window carrying broken pieces of crockery:

Cappuccino served with Easter chocolate:

My walking buddy Harry:

I have visited Hofgarten several times:

The black swan is still sitting alone on her nest, but is being cared for. She looks sad:

I had another long walk home along the river. Saw this at the 'art palace' museum:

Photos along the way back:

Another advertising column sculpture:

Circus Flic-flac is on the other side of the Rhine in Oberkassel:

The sheep grazing:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 20 April 2019

Happy Easter, Happy Passover

Hi Everybody!

I wish all who are celebrating a blessed Easter and / or a happy and kosher Passover. And a happy weekend to everybody!

Happy Easter!

A few spring photos taken this week:

And the glorious full moon from Friday night:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We've had good weather these past days, so spent as much time as possible outdoors, which always does me good, as I love to walk, especially at such a wonderful time of year.

I have another of my A3 mixed media pages to share, made using various recycled textile and scraps as well as scraps of tissues from Jane Davenport and others on a painted background. I did lots of sewing and some doodled spots:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

I visited Hofgarten park to see the water fowl today:

This is the composer Robert Schumann, he looks rather sad:

I was sad to see that the male black swan is missing, and the lady is on her own. But she seems to be getting food brought by the park wardens. I hope she manages alright:

Lots of ducklings running about:

This one wanted my sandwich:

And the horses are back on the meadow by the Rhine:

Sorry, can't write much just now, my fingers are very painful, and I can only leave short comments on blogs. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!