Monday 26 March 2018

T stands for Tags and more

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a good week. We were blessed at the weekend with  days of warm and sunny weather - what a treat after all the cold weather of the past weeks. On Saturday I was able to get out for a nice walk, and it was fantastic to feel the sun on my back or face. It's cool and grey again today, but those 2 days were wonderful.

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Wilma is hosting. She has chosen as her theme
'Diamonds are forever'
so this time we would like your tags to glitter and shine with bling.
I used an envelope which had perfume crystals in it as background, and the blinged up nails were cut from a nail advert in a magazine. I added a row of pearls along the bottom.

As always,  tags of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link your tags to us. I am looking forward to visiting your blogs.

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang.
Last week I went to the Chinese restaurant with G, where we filled our stomachs with lots of good things from the buffet. My drink was diet cola:

A sample of the food we ate:

On Saturday G and I wandered through a nature protection area by the Rhine in the south of Düsseldorf. It was refreshingly quiet there, the only noises being made by the crows and other birds. We were on the lookout for a particular bird that is supposed to nest there, the golden oriole, but didn't see it, although G took his binoculars just in case. The whole area is left to nature - dead wood is not removed, the fields are not protected by embankments against floods, and the wildlife can develop there in peace:

Lots of mistletoe in the trees:

We walked along the river till we were opposite Zons, a little town from the middle ages that I wrote about last year:

The ferry:

And when we got back to the car park where we had started, we saw a restaurant, so it would have been bad not to go in and say hello....
We were even able to sit outside in the afternoon sunshine.
I had some delicious apple crumble with my cappuccino, and G had that delicious cheese cake and coffee:

All in all a wonderful day!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 24 March 2018

Saturday Mix

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! The sun is trying to come through the clouds today, so I'm hoping for a sunny walk later on.
I have another page for my family journal, using a photo of my Mum and brothers and sisters taken in 1944, a couple of years before I was born:

While I was playing with the bee tag recently, I noticed the words 'Bees and queens', so made 2 hybrid tags showing some 'queens'. For the first I used one of the Gibson girls (stamp from LaBlanche) and a hat from a collage sheet:

Then I decided to go the whole hog and make one with a real crown:

I am linking to Tag Tuesday, spring / Easter.

Some photos taken on various days:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!