Saturday 25 November 2017

More fun in the snow....

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! Seems to be cold, wet and windy
outside so it will be a good day to stay home and
have fun in my arty kitchen.

Today I have another view inside my head. This is no. 3, 
and there will be six altogether. I drew the head on an A3 
sheet with my home-made head stencil, and used 
various stencils to fill it in, showing the transition 
from autumn to winter. I am linking to 
country view challenges, use stencils and to
moo mania and more, put a stencil on it:

And now for the promised bathroom pictures from the
ski-sport centre in Neuss. First the view inside the men's
department. And no, I did not go in there myself,
G took the pics for me! The door at the far right is
the kids' WC:

And now for the Ladies:

Specially for kids:

And here some of  the other doors:

I was pleased nobody else was there when I took the photos!

And now some more pics from the 'alpine village' and
the various eateries there:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 23 November 2017

Lots of snow....

Hi Everybody!

Happy Thanksgiving to all friends in the USA,
enjoy the time with family and friends.

Once again I am inviting you to look inside my head....

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always by 
Eva and Kristin.
And this hybrid piece is meant for Chris' lovely challenge,
 '101 ways to keep warm' at
I used elements from Mischief Circus and me.

Yesterday I went on a trip with my buddy G.
We visited an all-year-round ski resort in
the neighbouring town of Neuss. It's inside a huge - 
and I mean huge - building made specially to enclose
the ski-slope and the little mountain resort. 
More than a million people visit yearly.
You can see more here.
This is the entrance hall:

We went into one of the cafes there for some cappuccino
and cake, and enjoyed sitting in the warm,
and looking through the window at the people
outside who were skiing and snowboarding etc:

This little guy was all togged up and ready to go:

It was all a bit surreal, to be suddenly plunged
into an alpine resort on a relatively mild
and sunny autumn day....

More photos to follow, including some fun views
of the bathrooms there....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Inside my head

Hi Everybody!

Recently I have been playing with my head....
This was the result:

For Michele's Music theme at Tag Tuesday I
have another tag:

These strange creatures were inhabitants of the Aquazoo:

An old diving helmet:

More of my fave penguins:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!