Thursday 26 May 2016

A journey from this world to the next

Hi Everybody!

Today is a public holiday here,  and the sun is shining - a wonder!

For Art Journal Journey, Journeys, I made a mixed media double page about John Bunyan's book, Pilgrim's progress, written in the 17th century. He tells about the journey of a man, the pilgrim, burdened down by sin, who asks forgiveness and then sets out for the celestial city, experiencing many hardships and temptations along the way.
I read this book as a child, and was fascinated by the strange language and ideas.
John Bunyan was imprisoned for many years as he refused to accept the 'state' religion in England of that time, the Anglican Church. This was one of the reasons why the pilgrims sought their freedom in America. John Bunyan was buried in Bunhill Fields in London, a graveyard where many famous dissenters found their last rest. (The name 'Bunhill' means Bone hill!) On the right-hand side I used the frontispiece of his book, which I digitally superimposed with William Blake's illustration of the pilgrim. On the left I added photos of his grave, where I showed his pilgrim coming to visit him. The smaller stone at the top left is a memorial stone erected where he used to live. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

(Photos used courtesy of Wikipedia)

Here are some of my balcony visitors this week:

Have a great week you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Mid week mix

Hi Everybody!

At Tag Tuesday this week our theme is 'industrial'
and this is the tag I made:

For Art Journal Journey, journeys, I made a mixed media spread in my 'new' journal, using painting,stamping, stencils and collage. These three words are, for me, the foundation of every journey, whether a real or an imaginary one: 

And some photos from today.
This little coal tit (Tannenmeise) is not a frequent visitor, and is much smaller than the other tits (chickadees).

I'm not sure what this one's called, it would not turn round and show it's beak! It seems to be a finch.

And here are the first photos I got of the baby woodpeckers:

My walk this afternoon led me through the fields by the Rhine:

The sheep were grazing:

And the fire-brigade boat was patrolling:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 23 May 2016

Tuesday this and that again

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT

I can hear music. 
Projects of all formats are welcome, and as always you have 2 weeks
to join in, so let your creative juices flow, and hope to see you there!

I digitally combined a mixed media background (fourth photo) with a sheet of music paper, and added some elements on top of it:

This is the original mixed media piece, made with lots of collage, stamping and painting:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here's a big welcome to all of the T Gang. I drank my coffee today on my balcony:

This tiny snack bar is at the end of Market Street, directly by the jetty.
They are only open at weekends and public holidays, and just offer 2 or 3 soups/stews and some  drinks. You choose your menu and then sit down on one of the benches by the Rhine, or stand by the water and enjoy the view while eating your meal. When the weather is good there is usually a big queue waiting to be served, and it tastes and smells really good. 

Here they are offering pea soup, potato soup and goulash soup, and a vegetarian potato and carrot stew. 

This horse drawn wagon was on its way through the town on Saturday:

The woodpeckers were enjoying my balcony snack-bar again:

It rained today, so I walked to my physiotherapy through the rain,
and took the photos of the wet roses on the way home:

There are greenflies on the bud:

And today I saw the first 'baby' jays:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!