Saturday 25 April 2015

Saturday this, that and the other

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend, so hope you have a good one!

I had more time for myself today, which was good, and was able to take a long walk and sit on my pretty balcony this afternoon, so that was good. It's great just to sit outside and read, and listen to the birds singing.

For Art Journal Journey (favourite poem or quote), Mix it Monthly (town/city) and Moo Mania and More butterflies, I made another journal page. I used a print of one of my backgrounds, adding colour with Gelatos. I used various stencils to add some interest and depth to the background. The houses, figures and butterflies have been fussy cut, collaged, and outlined with a white pen. I read the quote recently but can't remember in which book, sorry. I think we all know surreal situations like this from our dreams!

The sunrise this morning was different. The sky was rather hazy, and there was no bright colouring, the sun just appeared and hung there like an orange disc. It was a bit spooky to watch.

The little park here is full of dandelions, glowing like little suns.

Some of the flowers on my balcony. It looks pretty at night, too, when the solar lamps light up.

Have a great weekend you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 24 April 2015

Gather ye rosebuds....

Hi Everybody!

Once again I am dog tired and much too late writing my blog post, the past few days have been too busy and chaotic. It can only get better!

I made a mixed media page for Art Journal Journey and Paint Party Friday.
I took an A3 sheet and used various papers for the background, giving them a thin coat of diluted gesso. The head of the lady is one I drew some time back from a picture in a magazine. I printed and cut it out, and coloured it in shades of brown and sepia.
I painted over some parts of the background with thinned down ochre and distressed the edges with ancient linen DI. I added random stamping , using Adirondack Espresso,  and added some postage stamps and cancellation marks to them. It was finished off with some tissue tape to cover some gaps in the paper. I crackled the roses to give them some texture. The quote is from Robert Herrick (1591-1674) and is from his poem 'To the Virgins, to make much of time'.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, due date(Date stamps)

We had another wonderful sunrise:

The blue tits are great acrobats:

The horses seem to be happy to be back on their meadow:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 23 April 2015

Butterflies and more

Hi Everybody!

Sorry, just a short post again - had a hard day and am tired out, 
need to crawl into my bed!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poems and quotes; Moo Mania and More, butterflies and Mix it Monthly, towns/villages I have made an A4 journal page - what else? The background was painted with gesso and then acrylics in metallic purple and silver. I added texture with a crackle stamp. The little girl is a stencil from, the butterflies were punched /stenciled and the town silhouette made with a no-name stencil.

Just a few photos from this morning, didn't have time to process the rest of the photos:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Butterflies - The new challenge at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good day!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Moo Mania and More - Butterflies.
All formats are allowed, not just moos, so get your creative juices fluttering and link your creations to us - you have 2 weeks time, and can enter as often as you like!  I coated an A3 page with Gesso, added a paper-serviette transfer at the bottom, painted the sky with blue acrylic, and gave it all a thin coat of diluted gesso to mute the colours and bring it more together. I drew my butterfly lady with pencil, coloured her with Gelatos and a water brush, and then added the butterflies. They were cut from a collage sheet, crackle-glazed and distressed.
Here is the quote in full:

My butterfly mind
Is mostly quite kind
But sometimes it strays
and goes its own ways.

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote.

The day started off again with a wonderful sky:

The horses are back on their meadow since last Sunday, I love watching them galloping about:

The trees are green and leafy:

Lilly chose a spot in the sun:

Lucky preferred the shade:

This extremely relaxed feline was sleeping on the counter at the garden centre I visited this afternoon with a friend:

And this Elk was outside in the garden - very nice, but I don't think I need one on my balcony!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!