Wednesday 25 March 2015

More things with wings

Hi Everybody!

We had a cold and misty day here, good weather for staying home, reading and crafting.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings,  I have another journal page. The background was painted with acrylics over gesso, and stenciled with various CWS stencils when it was dry. I fussy cut the sad looking little girl (Gecko Galz) and fitted her into the butterflies. I added highlights with a white gel-pen. Her drab dress reminded me of the song 'Georgy Girl' from the Seekers (1967) so I added part of the text as quote.
I am also linking to Mix it Monthly, angels

Have a great day you all, take care,and thanks a lot for coming by!

New Theme 'Eggs' at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Today we have a new theme at Moo Mania and More - eggs, and you have 2 weeks to lay your eggs of creativity and join in with our challenge! We accept all art forms, it does not have to be a moo, so get (p)laying and  hope to see you there in the next days!

For this challenge, and for Art Journal Journey, things with wings,  I have made another journal page. The background has been painted and stamped rather randomly with my script and flourish stamps (LaBlanche). I stamped without ink into the wet paint and this removes paint and leaves a negative image. I sprinkled some embossing powder (Kitchen floor dirty mix) onto the wet paint and heat dried it for some texture. I then decided that I liked the colours better when it was turned round, so now the writing is upside down.... The lovely quote has been computer generated, and is from C.S Lewis, who wrote 'Narnia' and many other fantastic books. The bird is from a collage sheet from Gecko Galz and has been fussy cut, and given extra colour with Gelatos. The nest was made from paper strips and pieces of dried plants collected last Autumn, the eggs have been cut from paper, inked and glued onto foam squares.
I am also linking to the Mixed media monthly challenge blog, birds of a feather and to The mirror crack'd, wings

The day started off quite well with a mix of clouds and blue sky:

The beautiful willow tree is turning green again:

The Rhine raven was out for his morning walk;

The daffodils in the castle ruins are flowering:

And I saw my first blossoming tree in the park where the moat used to be:

And I am always happy when I see the daisies flowering:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Wings, dreams and cats

Hi Everybody!
Today I was able to see the sunrise again, and most of the day was dry and sunny, which was good. It's still rather cold, and we have bad weather
on its way again, but that just makes it even more important to
enjoy the sunny hours.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings, I made another Journal page. The background is a mop-up page. I  sprinkled Brushos and water onto a large sheet of paper, and it was too much, so I was able to make three more backgrounds by mopping up the excess. This is one of them. I used my head stencil to draw the heads with white gel-pen, and then doodled the butterflies, flowers, bubbles  and birds.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'dreams'. I have used parts of an old tag to make this one, (I Deconstructed a lot of stuff while clearing up/out last week and am recycling things bit by bit)  which shows the wedding of my great uncle. My mum is the girl standing on the left. She always told us that this event was part of her dreams for years.

This morning the sun rose over the frosty fields:

Where there's sun, there's shadows:

And here Lilly and Lucky were trying to convince me how hungry they were:

Have a nice day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 23 March 2015

Birds, cats and more

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has flown by, and a new week is here - have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey I have a water-coloured tree with white birds. I made this at the beginning of the month, and discovered it today hiding under a pile of other bits and bobs, so here it is.

Gabi took these lovely pictures of  Lucky and Lilly:

Nature is definitely getting greener:

Here at the stream near where I live I saw a Kingfisher today, which made me really happy. He flew off before I could take a photo.

I found this photo on Wikipedia

The wonderful photo was taken by Andreas Trepte
 Thanks to Andreas and all those who share their wonderful pics over Wikipedia.

The Heron was out fishing this morning:

And a few yards further these two were doing the same:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 22 March 2015

Things with wings again

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
I had another very busy day, with lots of hard work, so 
this will once again be a short post - my bed is calling to me!

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings,  I have a fairy page again. I used one of the painted backgrounds that I scanned and printed. I added more colour with Gelatos, and some stenciling. I coloured the small leaves and flowers with gel-pens, and added lot of white highlights and Stickles to her wings The flower fairy seems to be out enjoying her Sunday walk.

The day started off misty and dripping wet. In the course of the day we had sleet, hail-stones, torrential rain, heavy winds and lots of black clouds. Good weather to stay home....

Lucky didn't care about the weather!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!