Saturday 11 May 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great weekend! I am looking forward to painting, reading, and perhaps going out for a meal. Today I have another piece for our poetry challenge at AJJ . The face was drawn with coloured pencils and acrylstifte for some outlining. The flowers were added afterwards using a floral napkin. The poem is one which I found really romantic when I was a studentin - times change, but I still like it!

 Percy Shelley, 

The flower that smiles to-day
Tomorrow dies
All that we wish to stay
Tempts and then flies.
What is this world’s delight?
Lightning that mocks the night,
Brief even as bright.

And I have some more pictures from David Zinn and some funnies and thinkies:

I had to get up at 5 a.m. on Friday as I had an early appointment, and this evening I will be in bed early to make up for it. It had just got light, and it was fascinating to watch the light getting stronger, the haze rising up from the grass and the sunlight slowly  dispelling the last remnants of night:


Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 9 May 2024

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I enjoyed a sleep in and then coffee in bed - yessssssssss! I  could get used to things like that, so I think I must do it more often!

Today the weather is nice, no rain - yet, mild temperatures and ideal for taking a little walk into town and having a cup of cappuccino. And I visited Heike and we had a nice gossip for a few minutes / hours and then I came bach home. Now I'm sitting here with my coffee and typing this.

Recently Heike gave me some nice totes she got when she bought something, and they inspired me straightaway:

And after half an hour playing with acrylic pens I had this:

I love the simplicity and sparse use of colours:

Sometimes it's fun to do something different:

I found this poem on the internet, and found it fitted well to this face:

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
You'd definitely love you, too.
You would hold your head up high,
For you possess beauty that no one can deny.

Linking to our challenge at  AJJ, poetry

Selena Odom. "See What I See." Family Friend Poems, November 22, 2018.

And this second piece is a great contrast to the first one:

These trees along the path are beautiful:

The same view in 3 different seasons:

Eye to eye....

Sound advice:

And some pics from David Zinn's lovely works and some funnies:

I will be linking to Gillena's AFFF and Nicole's FFO on Friday.

Have a great time, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 6 May 2024

T stands for Tired as usual!

Hi Everbody!

It's time for a new week, weekends don't last for ever! Today I have a new piece for Pinky's 'birds' challenge at Tag Tuesday. You still have a whole week to start birding and to enter your tags for our lovely Pinky!

And I have stayed by the theme of birds for my new piece for our poetry challenge at AJJ. I have used a verse from Maya Angelou. The piece is 8x8", and has been stamped and painted. I also used some glitter paste and metallic foil. The script was added digitally:

Some thinkies, funnies and David Zinn's art:

Is the Pope a Catolick?

And some pics from David Zinn, always so beautiful:

And as Elizabeth's TsfT starts this evening, I have some drink related pieces:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!