Saturday 4 May 2024

Weekend Post - Geese by Mary Oliver

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy and restful weekend. Or an exciting weekend for those who prefer it. I just know I had a busy week and am looking forward to sleeping, reading and painting. And I have some sweet potatoes and want to make some fries with them - yummy!

I have another piece for our poems challenge at AJJ, this time with a poem by Mary Oliver. The photos of the geese are from me, and the background was handpainted. I used various offcuts of card and a textile daisy. This is a poem I like very much:

And the geese inspired me to show lots of photos of various birds. Living near the Rhine and several small streams and lakes we have a wide variety of water fowl:

These were taken at a moated castle nearby, I love the reflections:

Blackbird singing in the dead of night....

Yesterday it poured all day, with thunder and lighting as well. I was happy I could stay home:

Some thinkies / funnies (especially for Erika and Jeanie and other bookworms):

Have a great weekend, take care, 
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 2 May 2024

Birds and More

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing my Thursday / Friday post, beginning with a Tag meant for Pinky's challenge about birds at Tag Tuesday. I hope to see lots of you joining in and having fun with us. This is the purple picker bird, so called because it feeds on everything in this colour range:

And some  of 'my' birds:

The herons haunt the little stream next to the house:

One of my balcony visitors:

And yes, David, the Canada Geese love it here:

And I have another piece for our new challenge at AJJ, and this one is all about me:

A mix of photos and some pieces from David Zinn:

On Friday I will be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 1 May 2024

New Challenge at AJJ - Poetry Double

Hi Everybody!

 Welcome to May. With the new month, it's time for a new challenge. This month at Art Journal Journey  we have something a little different for you. We have one new theme, but instead of one host, we have two. This month Valerie from Bastelmania- that's me - is one of our hosts, and our second host is Erika from BioArtGal

I am really excited and  much looking forward to hosting this month's challenge together with Erika. We live in different countries, far apart, but can work together, and that's great! We thought it would be fun to host and post together, and our theme this month is


Don't be scared by the theme of poems. It doesn't have to be anything special or super complicated. You can choose a poem or short verse  or limerick or whatever poems you like. You can compose your own or choose works from famous people, the main thing is to have fun. Make your poem part of a journal page, and that's the way to go! My first piece is very simple, a little poem about bees, as a tribute to Erika who cares for her bees:

And a life without bees would have serious complications for all mankind.
You can read more about it here  and in many more articles on the net etc.

All photos are by me:

I am looking forward to seeing your poetical blog pages, whatever the theme!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!