Thursday 11 April 2024

Friday post on Thursday afternoon!

Hi Everybody!

I have been trying to get this post started since early this morning, but life somehow got in the way as it so often does!

As I am linking to Nicole's  FFO, I dug out some faces from the 1990s and rearranged some into little collages just for fun:

And a few larger versions:

The Latin text here means something like :No one meddles with me and gets away with it'

For my challenge at AJJ I have made some collages of the houses in our little town, which are mostly very ancient and with LOTS of geometric shapes in them:

And some 'normal' collages - I think we have every geometric shape there is!

And a few funnies / thinkies:

David Zinn:

David Zinn again, he's fabulous!

And a neighbour has now got a cow in his garden:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 10 April 2024

More Geometric shapes (6) Squares

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for my challenge at AJJ. This time it's about squares:

This is, of course, another of my weaves, which I always like making. For this one a 12" sheet of painted paper was chopped up to make the weave, although I once again didn't get the lines straight!

And I recycled an Easter card to make a tag with spring flowers. I coloured the edges with picked raspberry distress ink and placed it onto a paper lace doily. I found the flowers in a jar of bits and bobs. I painted the rabbit using distress inks, too. I am linking to my spring flowers challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And some photos:

At home!

My evening walk through the fields:

The sun was going down:


More skies:

Yesterday morning. I took the picture through the glass. Can you see what happened?

Enough for today! Have a great one,
Take care and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 8 April 2024

Geometric shapes no 5.

Hi Everybody! 
Hope you all had a great weekend, and welcome to a new week and a new challenge at AJJ, In the last challenge, we lost our marbles, this time it's just a bit crazy, but it could be that tis lady is on the brink of losing hers:

And before you ask, it's not a photo of me....

Geometry hanging over my desk, and all over the desk:

Geometric shapes with right foot of the artist:

The castle ruins:

Coffee cups galore:

Another painting made at the clinic:

This is the colour chart from my new gouche paints. If you want to read it, please stand on your head or reverse your computer or whatever, sorry!

A beautiful house!

Geometric breakfast:

More coffee:

And a little bit of fun for you:

Senior surprise egg - now new with Pacemaker, Hearing aids, false teeth, magnifying glass, Viagra or extra pension.
What would you choose?

I am linking to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday tea party and to my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ.
Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!