Thursday 11 January 2024

Thursday / Friday post

 Hi Everybody!

It's very cold here today, and we had the coldest night on record for many years here at the lower Rhine, where we are usually favoured with mild weather. Brrrrrr!

First of all I have  a piece for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ. I found an old head in one of my stacks of paper - a painted head, of course - and fished it out. It was covered in splodges. Still - waste not,  want not, so I went to work on it. I filled the head with various bits and bobs and ufos from my craft table. Then I painted the left side purple and wrote my text on it - finished. Sometimes it's good to have an empty head going spare....

And I am showing another face meant for Nicole's FFO. I made it in September and never got round to showing it yet.

The decorations were inspired by these delicate, dried branches from one of the hedges, they were so pretty:

And for Pinky's 'Something new' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a tag:

Now for some photos from yesterday.
First of all sunrise. Stupid as I am I stood on the balcony and enjoyed it, and today  I have a nasty cold:

Then I went out walking and took more photos so you see how high the water still is:

The ducks out for a swim:

This is the meadow where the horses usually graze. Back in the good old days this was part of the moat, and it always fills up after heavy rains and high water:

This was taken from the bridge which used to be the entrance to town in the old days. The moat has filled up here, too, although it's usually a park:

And here I reached my goal, my reward, my safe place to warm up - Bolton's Bakery, where I was able to enjoy a sandwich with meat and salad and a large cup of cappuccino:

I think I'd better stop here!
I'm linking to Erika's challenge at AJJ,   Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday, Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF.


Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Midweek post:

Hi Everybody, 

Time for a new post again. Time goes by so quickly!

I managed to walk along the Rhine, the path is very narrow because of the floods. The usual shore line is marked by a post to the right of the boat.

Snow and ice:

And I have another piece for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ, just sort of scribble art and washi tape on an old calendar. I always use my old calendars for drawing practice as I mostly don't use them as calendars!

And some thinkies / funnies:

And lots of pictures from David Zinn:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!