Monday 17 July 2023

T sTands for always Tired, need coffee.

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it was once again too hot for my liking, so I had a quiet weekend - coffee and gossip / chat with Heike, lots of resting, reading, some art time and some balcony time in the evening. I enjoyed being out in the cool, evening air - so did the mosquitos, and they seemed to like me, too! And my balcony spider seemed to be jealous that the little blood - suckers were coming in my direction and not his/hers!

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who come by. And today is the 10th anniversary of this gathering, so congratulations to Elizabeth! Well done!

 As always, I have a mix of photos for you:

A number ten made with coffee beans for the celebration - what else?

And 10 paintbrushes:

My little balcony garden:

More crazy earrings:

I love this cup and saucer!

A friend sent me this tin kitchen sign for my coffee corner:

Heike and the cat are sharing the same pose, but Heike is smiling:

More gifted mugs:

My kitchen pin board:

And I always need coffee in my favourite mug when I'm sitting at my desk:

I painted this card (8x8") in acrylics for a friend's birthday:

Some photos from 2013 again, 10 years ago:

That's all for now, folks!
Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 15 July 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Sorry, time has once again run away from me, and I don't have time to write much today. I hope next week will be better!

Today I have a bird page meant for Alison's fly with me challenge at AJJ. This is a remake of an old one, sometimes new ideas are hard to find!

Some photos from our Aqua Zoo. A great place to hang out on a hot day, they have wonderful air conditioning!  You can see more here. The text is in German, but if you have time, click on 'Virtuellen Rundgang', it's worth it!

And some funnies:

Which 3 would you keep?

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!