Saturday 8 July 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Here it's going to be very hot again at the weekend so I will be hiding myself somewhere cool. I am NOT a fan of big heat! For Alison's things with wings challenge at AJJ I have another bird page with a mixed media - paint/stencils/stamps - background:

Some funnies / thinkies:

This is so totally true:

These pics are from 2013, ten years back. They were taken with my old camera which didn't take such clear photos:

Fred Flintstone's car:

From the top of the castle:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 

Friday 7 July 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday again and time for Nicole's FFO, where we show our face(s). I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF. Today I am showing the face of liberty, a face known to all the world. Liberty, freedom to think  and handle as we see fit. Nobody wants to be forced to do what others decide. Freedom should be for all - freedom of thought, freedom to take responsibility for our own lives and bodies, freedom to read the books we want to without censorship. Here in Germany the burning of books was the foretaste of much worse things, and I think we all know the unspeakable cruelty, murder, and other things that happened in WW ll. And it was an alliance of Americans and the free countries of Europe who put an end to it. For me the name 'America' was always synonymous for freedom, and I hope that this will not change!

These photos of me from the distant past were used as basis for paintings:

This face fascinated me. How did I make it? Well, it just got stuck in the printer and crumpled, but I love the effects:

This was a 5 minute pastel sketch:

And some variations:

This one was worked over patterned paper:

Another 5 minute sketch:

And faces coupled with time:

I will be back tomorrow with a piece for Alison's challenge at AJJ.

Have a great Friday, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! There's been nothing exciting going on here, I am spending lots of time resting and reading, and I hope it helps!

Today I am sharing a hybrid tag made for Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday, which is hot colours. The tag was cut from a leaf photo, and the young lady is a very distant cousin called Emily. That's all I know about her, I just have the photo. The original pic is sepia, I just changed the colour to fit the theme. The flowers and butterflies were added digitally:

Then I decided to use the tag on a journal page for Alison's 'come fly with me' challenge at AJJ . The background was painted, the extra birds and butterflies  and the sweet fairy were all added digitally:

Some thinkies and funnies:

I would LOVE one of these - wonderful vibes from the 70s:

Some photos from Hariksee, a nice place with lots of waterways, water fowl, and shady places to sit and relax. And of course, cafés and restaurants where good food is served are not far away!

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!