Monday 26 June 2023

T sTands for This and That again

Hi Everybody!

 Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and I wish you all a great week. I have been busy trying to get my photos sorted, I think I will need years to get it done. I knew I had a lot of photos, but I didn't know I had so many ....

So today I am showing you a selection of pics taken at various times, enjoy! And if you don't want to look, just scroll down!

 I have a face to share, painted with acrylics on recycled paper. I enjoyed just playing around for fun without working for a challenge:

And now for the photos:

The steps here were made from stone window sills from the castle ruins, which were used for many years as building supplies!

And before I get carried away with other things, this evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party. Today I have some home made cakes:

And some giant coffee mugs:

And this is an old pic of my neighbour Gabi and me at a market many years ago - and we are drinking coffee - what else!?

We saw this man flying with this strange contraption:

Ducks, birds and swans etc are everywhere here:

The castle here is very popular with water fowl:

I love this little town by the Rhine where I live:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


Saturday 24 June 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend, have a great one! 

I had a very busy week again, and am looking forward to a restful weekend. For Matilde's numbers challenge at AJJ I have a double page journal spread which I placed on a purple background and added some numbers and the train ticket with lots of numbers.  I drew the face with water soluble crayons and 'moved' the colour with some water. The flying birds were stencilled, the blackbird is a photo taken on my balcony many moons ago:

 Linking to Gillena's Sunday Smiles

Some matching flowers:

Early this morning:

After the rain:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!