Wednesday 19 April 2023

Midweek post

 Hi Evetybody!

It's the middle of the week already, time is flying again! I have an appointmnet with my neurologist on the other side of town, and I'm not sure when I will be back. I will try to catch up with commenting as soon as I am home.

Today I am sharing a recycled tag placed on a recycled and gold painted cardboard background, and meant for Pinky's  anything goes challenge at Tag Tuesday and Elizabeth's recycling challenge at AJJ:

The tag was cut, peeled and painted with gold paint. It was placed onto a leftover strip of Mirri card and glued to the background:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Zen cat:

And a few spring photos:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for  coming by!

Monday 17 April 2023

T sTands for This, That and The Neighbour's Cat

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed a good weekend. My weekend was restful, I did a lot of reading, some painting, went for a sunny walk and had some good food. I even made a Sunday dinner for Heike and me! And I slept well, which was great!!

For Elizabeth's  Re-use and recycle challenge at AJJ I have a piece made from leftover cardboard. The cow is part of a serviette, the clover leaves were from New year and the bunny and chicks from Easter. The gold paint was already on the cardboard, I added the white.  For the green and blue I used Canson soft pastels:

 Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Link party begins this evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. On Sunday afternoon my neighbour gave me this beautiful cake. It is a traditional cake baked for the Orthodox Easter Celebration, and it tastes very good!

This is the coffee I had on Saurday when I went for my walk by the Rhine:

This is the view from my bedroom window:

I walked along the path by the castle ruins:

I love the anchor, and have taken many, many photos of it:

The boat was waiting for passengers for a trip to Düsseldorf. Many people take bikes with them and then cycle back:

Ths little path links the Churrch Close with Market Street, our main street:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 15 April 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

I painted this strange lady last week. I just started and then it sort of painted itself, and this is what appeared. Perhaps she's a weather witch? A rainbow fairy? Who knows?! The quote is from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

The clouds yesterday evening:

Sunrise this morning:

There's still frost on the field:

Today I had to go to the doctor and then do some shopping. The office of the doctor is by the Rhine, so I had a little walk;

The walkway here is narrow, my rollator just fits:

The Rhine was blue:

I looked into some of the shop windows:

On the way home I visited Heike and we had coffee and apple pastries, very nice indeed!
I'm planning a quiet weekend, with time for painting, reading and walks - that is,  if it stays dry!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!