Thursday 16 March 2023

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

This morning I went to visit my friend Heike for a few minutes, and didn't get home till half past five! We decided to go out again for a meal in our fave restaurant, and enjoyed ourselves! And here is the proof - I had a huge sausage - David, don't be jealous - with mashed potatoes:

And Heike hat Kassler with green beans in a creamy sauce:

We drank our non alcoholic Weizen beer as always:

And for my  anything goes challenge at AJJ I have an A3 humming bird drawn in soft pastels:

And some thinkies /funnies:

Love these dragonfly wings!

I am linking to Nicole's FFO and
Gillena's Friday art fun

Have a great day, take care.
and thanks a lot for coming by! 

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Time is flying by, as always, there never seem to be enough hours in the day. But perhaps I'm just getting slower - that is really a good possibility!

Today I have a hybrid piece for my anything goes challenge at  AJJ:

And this is meant for my birds challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And I have been spending some money. I needed some new shoes and went with Heike and chose some very comfortable sneakers:

And then I decided that new shoes need new socks. 
And they were on special offer, I couldn't resist!

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 13 March 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

My weekend was really good, I hope your one was, too!

For my anything goes challenge at AJJ I have another A3 face painted with acrylics to share. I think the green and gold and sprouting plants here is to remind of us spring, which hopefully will be here very soon:

The weekend went by too quickly. On Saturday I was tired and it rained all day, so I declared a pyjama day, and enjoyed staying home with my feet up and doing nothing! Okay, I sorted my tablets into their daily boxes, and with so many to sort it took a full hour. After that I read a lot, and watched a film in the evening.

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

On Sunday  I went out to dinner again with Heike. We both had delicious meals and our usual drinks, but I forgot to take photos. But at least I took pics when we transferred to the Ice Parlour - cappuccino and cookies, and after a rest....

We decided to see if the waffles were good. I mean, we only stayed because it was pouring outside, and it would have been rude not to eat and drink....

Heike had the waffle with cherries and cream, and I had fruit salad, yogurt icecream and sauce on  mine - delicious!

And some cold and frosty photos:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!