Thursday 4 August 2022

Children, chickens and holes

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for Chris's challenge at AJJ, when we were young. Today I took the theme literally, and used photos from me and my husband when we were young! I have my teddy, he has his toy dog. Sorry, not much bla bla today, I'm extremely shaky today and typing is hard:

I'm also linking to Nicole's Friday Face off!

And I have a sunshine tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday, rather late but better than never!
And some funnies:

 Have a great day, stay safe,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 2 August 2022

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd and I have some journal pages made back in 2016  for our 'Back to School' challenge' at AJJ, as this reminds me a bit of Chris's 'when we were young' challenge.

The first shows a group of children. I have hidden myself in the picture, and my mum and Erika are also both there. 

School uniforms in England:

Back in the 1930s - Erika is the 2nd from the right. They are all dressed in their sport dresses:

Here the kids are waiting to go back to school. The building in the background is Tower College, where I taught for a while:

A Christmas disyplay made with an art class in the 1980s:

Another art group where we made papier maché heads. This must have been in the 1970s. The kids must all me getting on for 60 these days!

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 1 August 2022

New challenge at AJJ

Hi Everybody!

It's nice to be back after my month of rest and quiet. I missed being here but it was really necessary to step aside for a bit.

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and this time our lovely Chris  of Pear shaped crafting is hosting, and her theme is, 'When we were young'. I'm sure we all have lots of memories of former times, and here you can put them into your journal pages.

I remembered my head for this one! The flowers were painted onto the blue background, and the head mounted onto the background. The figures of the kids were added digitally using images from Serif. The quote is from the book of Corinthians, and was also added digitally:

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday linky party, so here are some fitting images:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 30 June 2022

Taking a summer break

Hi Everybody!

June has sped by much too quickly And we are heading towards  July. In a few weeks the shops will be full of Halloween decorations and a few weeks after that the Christmas decorations will be everywhere.

But in the meantime I'm planning on having a break for the whole of July. At the moment I have 2 or 3 days where I feel more or less normal, then I get violent shivering fits and my temperature soars and I feel really ill for some days. This seems to be caused by my auto-immune illness. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I am taking time off till the beginning of August. I have one more tag for Sandie's holiday challenge at Tag Tuesday; this is what I want to do for the next 4 weeks:

Have a great month, take care, 
And I'll be back soon!

Tuesday 28 June 2022

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Sandie is hosting. She helps a lot with the admin etc, too, for which I am very thankful. 

She has chosen  Holidays /Travel as her theme, very fitting for this time of year when many people go on vacation. As always, you have 2 weeks to link to us, and tags of all formats are welcome.

I chose Paris as my theme, as that's always a great place to spend some time. The first one has a stamped background, which was layered and sewed. The small pictures are from Crafty Individuals:

The second tag is made with an imge from gecko Galz which was stamped with stamps and stamps! This was also layered and sewn:

This one was a scan, so the colours are paler:

We have had ver changeable weather, from super hot to wild and stormy:

The evening sky:

And some funnies:

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!