Saturday 7 May 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a wonderful weekend, with sunshine, blue sky and lots of nice people around us. I am looking forward to  a quiet and lazy weekend!

Today I have rather a strnge piece for Matilde's birds challenge at AJJ - I used photos, collage, die cuts, a painted background and some digital magic to put it together:

And I have another tag, this time made of fabric, for Pinky's 'use stenciling' challenge at Tag Tuesday. The faces are stenciled, the rest was done with machine stitching:

And some photos from my Friday morning walk - Blogger has shuffled them a bit :

I have seen this sxhip before, but it always makes me happy:

This tree fell down in a storm years back, but it's still producing leaves:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 5 May 2022

Thursday/ Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for Matilde's birds challenge at AJJ. This was painted on an A3 page using acrylic paints in blue and black and some white splatters. I drew and painted the lady and put a white, die-cut bird and some feathers on her head.  The leaves and birds were drrawn with a white acrylic pen. I added some colours with soft pastels, and glued the 'par avion' sticker on:

I had an appointment in town on Wednesday morning, and and made sure I got a few minutes in Hofgarten to visit the birds. There are black swans for Elizabeth, and Canada geese for David and lots of birds for everybody:

I love this giant nail (it's bigger than I am!)

I am also linking to Rain's Thursday art date.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has been going well. I've been trying to take things easy as I have repeated attacks of Atrial fibrillation which makes me nervous.  I'm hoping it will settle down soon! I've still been going for my walks, just more slowly and less far than usual, but thats okay. Our weather has been good  with pleasant temoeratures, not too warm and not too cold, so just as I like it!

Today I have a new tag for Pinkie's challenge at Tag Tuesday, her theme is to use stencils. The challenge runs for 2 weeks, and tags of all formats are welcome. Hope to ssee YOU there! The face was drawn, the diamond background was stenciled. I made one like this years back but gave it away, I will keep this one:

And here I just had fun reversing the colour:

Some photos from my walks through the woods, meadows and park:

I love this copper beech:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks for the for coming by.