Saturday 2 April 2022

Weekend Post - 2nd on the 2nd and more

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!  Today I have another piece for Alisons challenge at AJJ. This is a hybrid piece, with a painted background, a badly printed out image of John and Yoko,  photos of my balcony blackbird and sunflowers, and some digital butterflies and flowers, all digitally assembled in my graphics programme. The image of John and Yoko was printed onto book paper and the ink in the printer was nearly used up, which made the stripes. Then I decided to call it distressed and leave it as it is!

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I have some of my van Gogh knock-offs:

And some spring photos:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 1 April 2022

New challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well . Today we are starting a  new month and a new challenge at Art Journal Journey and this time the talented Alison aka Craftytrog is hosting with the theme of 'play it again, Sam'. She wants us to make pages based on /inspired by our favourite films or songs. You can read more on the AJJ blog and see Alison's beautiful page. 

 I enjoyed my month hosting and want to thank all those who made such beautiful  spring journal art. 

My A3 page painted with acrylics is inspired by the 'Angry Birds' movie. The bird I have depicted is a new resident here in Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and might well have escaped from the film set. It is large and noisy and enjoys hiding behind tree trunks and then scaring other birds, animals and people with it's loud, cackling 'Ha-ha-ha! I am calling on dear David to identify the bird:

A few photos and funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I'm happy to say I'm feeling a bit better, the meds are doing their work and I feel almost normal - whatever normal is these days! Today I have another of my spring ladies to share for my challenge at AJJ, and this will be the last one. I'll be back on Friday to start the new challenge at AJJ. This is an A3 mixed media piece, using acrylic paints, pens and collaged pieces. The photos are not really good, it was a dark and dismal day when I took them:

Some spring photos:

A magnificent, mossy, old beech tree in the park:

Some funnies:

Flowers from the dining table:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!