Monday 7 March 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend,  and I wish us all a good, new week. I had a lot of health problems last week, and now have new medication for my heart problems, and have to slow down a bit as my puls is very low and irregular and I couldn't work faster if I wanted to!  My heart goes out to all those poor people in the Ukraine suffering this awful aggression and destruction while the rest of the world looks on and does nothing. 

This evening we will be beginning Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a hearty wecome to all of the nice ladies  of the T Gang who come by- I have made an A3 painted coffee scene as my ticket for the T Party and my entry for my challenge 'spring' at AJJ:

I love these little violets peeking out of some stone steps.

I don't know what these little pink flowers are:

The lake next to the clinic:


My tulips:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 5 March 2022

Weekend post - Sprng

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend! Today I am sharing another piece for my spring challenge at AJJ.  I used lots of techniques - the background was painted, the central image is from Gecko Galz, te purple flowers were painted and cut out and the bird is a photo. I combined it all digitally and added some butterflies, and more flowers and decorations:

An aftenoon walk through the clinic grounds:

I think this is an old bird house:

A thinky and a funny!

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by! 

Friday 4 March 2022

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Happy Friday! I have ben having a lot of health issues this week, and after the tests on Tuesday they have diagnosed some heart problems for which I need to take yet more medication, but this explains the complete exhaustion I have had the past couple of weeks. I have to really take things easy in the next few days. On a happier note, we had a cold but very sunny day, the spring flowers are blossoming, some trees, too, and others are starting to get their leaves. Spring is such a beautiful season. Today I have a rather minimalist piece to share, an A3 painting using spring colours. I am linking to my spring challenge at AJJ and to PPF:

And this version has some digital additions. What do you like best - the minimalist original or this one?

One of the patients had his birthday yesterday, so we decorated the dining room and made a surprise for him:

The garden in th glass bowl is growing very fast:

Some spring pics:

Sunrise from the window:

Sunrise across the fields:

Speing blossoms:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!