Saturday 5 March 2022

Weekend post - Sprng

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend! Today I am sharing another piece for my spring challenge at AJJ.  I used lots of techniques - the background was painted, the central image is from Gecko Galz, te purple flowers were painted and cut out and the bird is a photo. I combined it all digitally and added some butterflies, and more flowers and decorations:

An aftenoon walk through the clinic grounds:

I think this is an old bird house:

A thinky and a funny!

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by! 

Friday 4 March 2022

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Happy Friday! I have ben having a lot of health issues this week, and after the tests on Tuesday they have diagnosed some heart problems for which I need to take yet more medication, but this explains the complete exhaustion I have had the past couple of weeks. I have to really take things easy in the next few days. On a happier note, we had a cold but very sunny day, the spring flowers are blossoming, some trees, too, and others are starting to get their leaves. Spring is such a beautiful season. Today I have a rather minimalist piece to share, an A3 painting using spring colours. I am linking to my spring challenge at AJJ and to PPF:

And this version has some digital additions. What do you like best - the minimalist original or this one?

One of the patients had his birthday yesterday, so we decorated the dining room and made a surprise for him:

The garden in th glass bowl is growing very fast:

Some spring pics:

Sunrise from the window:

Sunrise across the fields:

Speing blossoms:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 3 March 2022

Thursday Post

Hi Everybody!

Another short post, I am just so exhausted each evening after my various therapies that all I want to do is to throw myself into bed!

Today I have a mixed media piece with digital additions for my 'spring' theme at AJJ:

My rose:

Sunrise this morning:

Some funnies and thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!