Tuesday 7 September 2021

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

I can't really believe it, this is the third day in a row that we've had good weather!

Today I have another page for Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ. I made an A4 mixed media page using part of a napkin which was sent to me sometime back. I can't remember who sent it, sorry, so if it was YOU, thanks a lot! This was the last quarter of the napkin, so I must have used it in other projects, too. The napkin was collaged with matt medium on to a page which had been grounded with gesso and a bit of leftover colour. The postmarks, words etc were stamped with some Artemio stamps. I used some vintage stamps on it, too. I went over the lettering and the Eiffel Tower with glossy  accents:

 Some people asked about our hole in the road - it's still there, nothing has been done up till now!

I walked through the castle, and always enjoy seeing the plants growing out of the stones: 

This used to be the 'living room'

The leaves are turning:

Light and shadow, as in life:

This sign warns people not to climb up the stones, and then I wonder why I see parents encouraging their kids to climb it so they can get a good video:

The horses always look so contented:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 6 September 2021

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody! 

This evening we will be starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday and this time I'm hosting, and have chosen the theme of recycle and re-use. Thanks to Wendy, who hosted the last challenge, and to all who linked up their beautiful tags.  I know that most crafters have lots of scraps to use up, off-cuts of card and paper, things we started and never finished and large amounts of things which are 'too good to throw away because it might come in useful one day'! The challenge goes live at 9 p.m. this evening.

My tag was made from an Amazon cardboard envelope, which I die cut and then partly peeled. I rubbed some gold paint into the cracks, and unfortunately also into my black shirt....I glued a scrap of black netting behind ms TH lady. The ribbon was a bow on a chocolate Easter bunny many moons ago. I sewed around the edges and that was it:

And then I decided to take the recycling idea a bit further. I glued the tag onto some designer paper from LaBlanche, and sewed it all onto a piece of wallpaper, taken from a wonderful wallpaper book I rescued from the old paper collection a few months back, along with 2 others - they were just begging to come home with me! I added a few embellishments. The journal page is 13" x 7" and meant for Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ:

This evening we also start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely T Gang ladies who visit here. I think by now you all know what my favourite drink is:

And some memes:

And a few of the photos from my Saturday walk:

The old walls needed strengthening, so the town admin came up with this very ugly solution . What an eye-sore!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 4 September 2021

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

This has been another busy week for me, we had several new challenges at various blogs, and a new challenge will be beginning tomorrow at More Mixed Media. And to top it all, I had more tests and examinations at the neurologist, and the results were not so good. On top of all the other chronical illnesses I have now developed a polyneuropathy, which is the simultaneous malfunction of many peripheral nerves throughout the body The nerves, especially on my right side, are damaged. This causes pains, trembling, dizziness, strange sensations of  cold or heat, 'pins and needles', numbness, cramps, spasms, eye problems  and many other nasty complications. I have fallen several times in the past weeks, too. But as we know - fall down, get up, straighten your crown, carry on. It won't get better, but I can do some physio therapy to stop it getting worse too quickly, and walking is also good, I will just have to walk a bit less than before....I won't be able to draw, paint or write very well, but mixed media art is still a good possibility, and I have to do what I can and leave what I can't. I don't want to moan, I have to accept this, and I hate it when people do nothing other than moan about their hard lives. I have to accept the situation as it is. But sometimes I might need to take a day off from blogging, or do less commenting. I didn't get round to all blogs this past week, either, so sorry if I missed yours! And above all, we all need to be thankful for all the things we can do, instead of complaining about what we can't.

Tomorrow, Sunday, we are starting  a new challenge at More Mixed Media. as always, our challenges are anything mixed media goes, this time with brown as an optional colour choice. Brown reminded me of steam punk, and in my steampunk folder I found lots of ready cut pieces, which I put together on corrugated card to make my journal page, which is about 8" x 8". I added some lace, string and some Utee gold embossing powder. I am showing this a day earlier as I want to be able to rest tomorrow:

And as this is vintage, I am also linking to Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ.

Wendy is keeping me on my toes, she's also hosting the challenge at Tag Tuesday, so this is my last sea-shell tag for it. The quote is, of course, from Shakespeare:

Some Shells:

And some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!