Thursday 2 September 2021

2nd on the 2nd and TAD

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by very quickly, where does the time go? September is already here, and the weather has a definite nip of autumn in the air, but I must confess that I love the colours of autumn!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, where we share art about which we have already blogged some time in the past. Rain's theme for her Thursday art date is Expressionism, so I am sharing some of my 'Knock-offs' made in past years for various challenges.  According to Wikipedia, "Expressionism is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Northern Europe around the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas"

Van Gogh - these pictures are A3 mixed media using collage, acrylics, water colours and pastels:

Matisse - mixed media collage:

Vincent van Gogh again:

The sower. This picture hangs in the Art Museum in Düsseldorf and I cant remember who the artist is, sorry! This was a collaged, patchwork piece:

And van Gogh again:

My boots instead of Vincent's:

Amadeo Modigliani - mixed media, A3:

Okay, if you're not asleep already, thanks for looking! No photos today, the post is already long enough!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 1 September 2021

New Challenge at AJJ - Vintage

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, and this time the lovely and talented Wendy is hosting, and has chosen  vintage as her theme, which gives us a wide scape to create our journal pages. The challenge runs for 4 weeks. And don't forget to look at the blogs of my teamies for more inspiration! And a BIG thank you to Neet who hosted the wonderful Tape challenge last month!

I made a hybrid page using a photo from Erika, a distant cousin:

There's already a touch of autumn in the air - morning mists, rain, and yellow leaves falling from the trees - happy September!

The horses are well wrapped up:

Early morning from my balcony!

Ships on the Rhine:

And some memes:

I can so relate to this one:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 31 August 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are staring a new challenge at TIOT - use book pages. As always, all projects are welcome as long as they fit our theme, and you have 2 weeks to join us. And don't forget to look at the lovely projects my teamies have made!

I made a journal page using a page from my Webster's dictionary. The image is from Gecko Galz. The quote is from the song of songs, sometimes called song of Solomon, in the Bible, and refers to the love between God and man. For my take I have altered it and showed 2 people in love. I drew half-circles in pencil as a guide for the lettering. I used stick-on letters for the English, and wrote the Hebrew words with black ink. The letters read 'Ani l'dodi v'l'dodi li'. I am also linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ. This is the last day of her challenge, so thanks a lot Neet, this  has been so much fun for me, I really enjoyed the month!

Today I am carrying on with the photos of Bonn. I have added links to all of the important sites so you can read about them in English:

We got off the bus at the museum's mile and moved quickly to the German History Museum, as it was pouring. I would very much recommend reading about it, it was a fascinating experience:

This monument celebrates the re-unification of Germany:

This is the Godesburg

Lots of interesting buildings:

The bus drove along the Rhine and here you can see the 'Siebengebirge', although the hills are mostly hulled in rain and mist:

A picture from the town information:

Here you can see Schloss Drachenburg

After the re-unification of Germany  Berlin was once again made the capital of Germany instead of Bonn. This little kiosk opposite the old parliament building was once favoured by many politicians who popped out in the break for a hot dog, a chat and some normality:

The art museum in Bonn:

Outside the museum:

I hope you enjoyed your tour with me!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!