Saturday 26 June 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

Today I am sharing another piece for Mia's butterfly challenge at AJJ. It's a hybrid piece put together  with a painted background, photos, and digital elements from Serif. The image in the frame is from the Graphics Fairy:

A beautiful butterfly photo:

I am continuing the tour through the Altstadt of Düsseldorf as many people liked the photos I showed.
Düsseldorf is one of the big Carnival hotspots, so lots of statues commemorate the festivities:

One of the traditional old pubs:

The lion of Düsseldorf:

The old harbour:

A sign at the Uerige Pub:

Altstadt houses:

Advertising columns (Litfaß Säule)

Swans on part of the old moat:

Hope you enjoyed your walk with me, I will show more next week!
Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 24 June 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday I took a day off and had fun doing nothing, must do that more often! A friend came visiting, we drank coffee, and then went to visit another mutual friend who literally jumped for joy to see us, so that was nice! It was so good to meet up again!

Today I have another woven piece to share, I keep chopping up painted paper and weaving it, and really enjoy the process of making something new. This one was inspired by a nursery rhyme:

 'Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And little maids all in a row'

First I wove the background, and then sewed it together. I have had this packet of little 'maids' in my stash for many years, and didn't know what to do with them. The silver bells were left over from some Christmas presents long, long ago. The shell is from a vacation long past. I arranged them on the weave to represent the words of the rhyme:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

For Wendy's 'tag on a tag' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have used some scraps of Graphics 45 paper and a photo of me at age 9, sitting on the knees of a GI - my brother in law. An extra tag on the tag has been hung onto the bottom, just for a change, and was on my sneakers:

Today I have some photos from the Altstadt (old town) of Düsseldorf. This is the Lambertus Church with the wonky tower:

Ratinger Tor, one of the old town gateways:

Heinrich Heine:

A barock Church:

Narrow old houses:

This clock opens up several times a day, and Schneider (tailor) Wibble can be seen sewing:

Signs on a bank - 'This fairy tale will never come true, life teaches us to be clever and save money!'

A town model:

The Rathaus - townhall:

Blind justice:

Jan Wellem, the Protector of Düsseldorf, and the bad man who destroyed the Imperial castle here in Kaiserswerth:

The Goose fountain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!