Thursday 10 June 2021

Thursday/Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Here we've had some hot and humid weather again, but I must say my flowers are enjoying it no end and flourishing!

Today I have another of my large, woven pieces to share. I love chopping up painted pages and making them into something new. The butterflies were from Gecko Galz and fussy cut. I just used some glue dots in the middle  of each one so they can 'fly'. I am linking to Mia's butterfly challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday:

And some more balcony and walk photos:

The restaurants are opening up again, with tables well spaced out:

The meadows are being mowed, and the hay bailed. Blogger has once again changed the order, so the tractors come later:

Neighbour's children have built a wigwam by the stream:

This leads to the protected part of the lakes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 9 June 2021

A new book from Sandra Cox

Hi Everybody!

Today I have the honour and pleasure of announcing a new book from my Blogger bud Sandra, a talented and prolific writer of good and readable books.

Cover Release


An aging bounty hunter and a woman bent on vengeance form an unlikely alliance.

Keeper Tyree is an aging bounty hunter who lives by his own set of rules. He’s a hard man but just and his word is his bond. Keeper’s a loner and likes it that way. Then Cathleen O’Donnell catapults into his life looking to hire his gun. Josiah Pardee has killed her boy, and she’s out for vengeance. Somehow all his hard and fast rules, including working alone and minding his own business, crumbles in the face of the immovable widow he now works for. He finds himself rescuing soiled doves, a myopic bookworm more suited to city life than the Wild West, and a Kickapoo who’s in deep trouble with some angry card players as he tracks down the murdering sidewinder Josiah Pardee.

Pre-order available at Amazon:


Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and cats in sunny North Carolina.

Her stories consist of all things Western and more. She is a category bestselling and award-winning author.

I hope this little taster has whetted your appetite and that you will enjoy reading this book.

Have a great day, take care,
      and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 8 June 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT - For the man in your life. As always, projects of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to join us. Have a look at our blog and see the wonderful projects of my teamies! This will be a birthday card for my neighbour. I used papers from Hunkydory, gold mirror-card and added a lot of stitching:

And my journal page for Mia's theme of butterflies at AJJ also has a masculine theme. I have once again made use of altered photos for the background. The man and his cat are from Mischief Circus:

And some photos from my walks and from my balcony:
(Blogger has once again changed the order of the pics)

Stormy weather:

The yellow boat is a dredger which makes sure that nicht too much sand and silt block the channels where the ships pass:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!