Tuesday 4 May 2021

Tuesday this and that

Hi Everybody!
Hope your week got off to a good start. 

Today I have a new piece to share at AJJ, for Elle's 'language' challenge. The background was painted with acrylics,  and splattered with gold and fairy dust. The 'om' is a die-cut, as is the figure:

On my walk today I went through the little park, which used to be the moat. Wild flowers abound, the meadows only get cut twice a year:

And I walked through the cemetery and enjoyed the flowers there:

Going home along my street:

Drinking coffee on the balcony:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 3 May 2021

T sTands for Too Much....

Hi Everybody! 

Thanks to all who sent well wishes after my fall last week. It's healing well, I still have scrapes and bruises but the pains are much less and I think I can venture out again on Monday. Although it's May, we're still having very changeable and unseasonably cold weather, with storms and winds promised. BUT, the weather men are promising us good weather for next week, let's see if it's true!

This evening Elizabeth will be celebrating her T sTands for Tuesday Link ParTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Yesterday was Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, where we share posts from previous years, so here I have some pics to share for that. I chose a theme I hosted at AJJ back in 2015, post and postage.

Postage stamp men:

There is one ex-president I hope never to see on a postage stamp!

This was my take on an English stamp, and I use part of it for my avatar:

Sport is often a postage stamp theme:

And postman Pat and his cat will be well known to many:

And to keep up with the post theme, I have some coffee stamps as my entry ticket to the T Party:

And last but not least, on Monday evening at 9 pm the new challenge at Tag Tuesday will begin.  This time our wonderful Sandie is hosting with the theme of 'Sport', and has made some fantastic and inspirational tags for you , so please hop over, take a look, and join us!
I made a golf tag:
(And yes, the golf ball at the top is bigger than the golfer's head!)

That's all for today!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 1 May 2021

New challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ, and Elle is hosting. Her theme is language, which she explains as follows:

"This month's theme of language, can be interpreted in many ways - your own language, language of flowers, language of love, words, books, communication, sign language, gestures, symbols, icons, or even your own "art" language meaning your own favourite things you like to use, colours, materials, things that you use when creating, that become your own unique signature style."

I hope to see lots of you joining in, for more details and the rules and regulations please view our AJJ blog.

I made a very simple 8x8" piece. The background was painted with acrylics, to which I added stars and glitter. The moon is one of my photos, and the quote I have used is spoken by Dumbledore in J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter'. He goes on to explain that words - language - can be used to heal or to wound:

 And some photos from my walks before I had my fall, I'm staying home for a few days now:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!