Thursday 26 November 2020

Thursday post and Happy Thanksgiving

Hi Everybody!

I would like to wish all friends and family in the USA a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

And this is a piece I painted some years back in one of my journals:

I am also sharing another tag made for my pets challenge at Tag Tuesday:

The pictures here were taken 2 years back at an indoor ski-slope I visited:

It's all in alpine style:

I watched the courageous skiers from the peace and comfort of the upstairs restaurant:

The food was delicious, and gave us the energy necessary to watch the skiers working so hard:

The stall doors in the bathrooms were beautifully decorated. This is the room for the men:(I sneaked in!)

This was the Ladies' room:

More pics to follow tomorrow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had a busy day yesterday, I had to travel by tram into Düsseldorf - not something I like doing when the Covid numbers are so high -  but I had appointments to have my hearing aids checked, and then had my eyes tested and chose  a new pair of glasses. And today I have to go into town again to collect my hearing aids. The windows in the trams are kept open to make sure enough fresh air is there to dispel bad 'germs'. While I was there today I went through Hofgarten park and visited the water fowl, it was much pleasanter there than on the streets, where so many people don't bother looking where they're going as they are too busy with their cell phones....

Today I am sharing a little book I made in the Art, heart and healing course from Tamara Laporte, trying to reconcile out present selves to when we were babies, and thinking about the things we would have wished for ourselves back then. I used some wooden pages I had in my stash, and all were painted and collaged:

I always wanted to be a cover girl:

A photo of me as a baby - the only one I have - and wrote my wishes for baby me on the other side:

A friendship page:

Family pages - on the left a photo of my husband as a baby, on the right the older generations of my family. I transferred these images  and all of the others using lazertran and turpentine. The frames were embossed with light structure paste:

And a photo of my great Auntie Fanny with whom I spent a lot of time as a child:

And some photos from today's trip to town. No Christmas market, but there were a few 'houses' and booths here and there:

The windows were filled with huge, moving toys - my inner child loved them:

Looking in the distorting mirrors on the sort-of-pyramids:

In Hofgarten:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 24 November 2020

New challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT and our theme is 'winter wonderland', so time to get creative, perhaps with wintry sparkles or glittering snow. As always, projects of all formats are welcome, 'real' and digital, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. On our blog you can see the lovely, inspirational examples my Teamies made.  I made a hybrid piece, using a snowy photo taken from my balcony with the addition of some elements from Serif:

I am also linking to AJJ, Wendy's bird challenge.

And I have another tag for my pets challenge at Tag Tuesday - a hand painted background with a photo and a digital element:


And sunset by the Rhine:

May your day be filled with sunshine!
Have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!