Monday 23 November 2020

T Stands for This and That on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good week - stay safe and well! Sorry, I can't write much just now, I'm still feeling far from good.

Today I am sharing another of my crazy doodled pieces. As there is also a bird on it, I am linking to Wendy's Birds challenge at AJJ:

And as there are cups and a glass hidden in the picture, it qualifies as my entry to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party. And last week I baked some cookies. As no visitors visit just now, I had to eat them all myself!

Some pictures from our little town from this time last year:

The pics from the Christmas market in Düsseldorf are also from last year:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 21 November 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy, stay safe!

Today I am sharing my second version of the Earth Mother, made after watching a lesson from Melanie Rivers .

I made an A3 mixed media page with painting, doodling, stenciling and collage. The words are from a Navajo prayer:

And my messy work-table:

And I have made another tag for my 'pets' challenge at Tag Tuesday, but am rather sad that so few people are joining in:

And more photos from my good weather walks this week:

The stream next to where I live:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 20 November 2020


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already - where did the time go? 

Today I am sharing another piece made in the Lifebook Taster Course. This lesson was given by Pia Rom, and it was a mixed media collage. This lesson did not resonate with me as some others did, but I tried it, and this was the result, not really satisfactory for me, but at least it's got birds on it so I can link to Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ!

And some more photos from my beautiful Wednesday walk:

This house used to be the home of the Fire Brigade, and is now a bar:

The sign on the roof reminds of its previous usage:

This is the 'Kuh Tor' - Cow Gate. In past times, live stock had to be driven into town through this gate. The grooves in the wall are where the flood gates are set in when the Rhine overflows its banks, which regularly happens:

And this heap of plants is a sort of 'grave marker' for Elvis Presley's Fleetwood cadillac. It was cleared out so that no oil can seep into the ground, and has been left slumbering here  since 1983 to be reclaimed by nature:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!