Wednesday 22 July 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had to spend some time at the dentist's yesterday - not nice, but necessary and probably expensive, but I won't get the bill till it's finished!
I have one more tag for Sandie's  'sea' theme at 
Tag Tuesday. I made the waves and beach from torn and stitched strips of paper. The lighthouse was stamped, the boat and seagull were cut-outs. I used cheese-cloth for the 'fishing nets'. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge:

And I have a hybrid piece for Erika's 'when it's hot' theme at AJJ. The background was hand-painted, and I used elements from Serif and a photo of mine. The accordion player sat by the Rhine for years and played his happy music. He always greeted me like an old friend, and he died  a couple of years back. Others play at various points in our little town, but it's not the same. Here he's playing for the kids having fun in the sun:

And as promised yesterday, I have some photos from the interior of the Mariendom (Cathedral of Mary) at Neviges. It's very dark inside, with just some spots and candles lighting this huge, cavernous space, and I find it very impressive:

The rose again:

An unusual pulpit:

Another rose:

I hope to visit there again soon!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


Tuesday 21 July 2020


Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT - summertime.
As always, you have 2 weeks to link your creations to our blog, and all formats and styles are welcome - it should just showcase our theme. For more inspiration have a look at our blog and see the pieces made by the other 'girls' on the team.
I started with an A3 page which I brayered with gesso and small amounts of blue and pink acrylic paint. I added a sprinkle of glitter while the paint was still wet.The flowers, heron and dragonflies were collages with napkins, and the dance figures stenciled. One of the dancers was given a pink tulle skirt. The edges were stitched and the quote was added by hand. I am also linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ:

Today I have some more pics from my visit to Neviges, a very modern cathedral, dedicated to Mary. You can see the first installment here.  The castle from the middle ages is near Neviges:

The brutalist architecture of the cathedral is not everyone's taste, but very impressive:

The rose is the symbol for Maria :

Some of the older buildings in the town:

The cathedral looks like a mountain in the background:

I will show more pictures of the wonderful interior in my next post.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks for coming by!