Friday 10 July 2020

Yellow flowers and more for Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, the week is almost over, and I'm hoping the next week will be a bit easier than this one was. I have been busy resting today, never got out of my pyjamas all day, and I must say, a day like this here and there is not bad. I've been listening to a new audio book as I'm not supposed to read yet, and limiting my computer time to half an hour every so often. I'm glad I got all my posts ready in advance, so I just have to type the introduction, and that's all!
This first piece is meant for Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ. The people are hanging out in the jungle and trying to keep cool, and the ape is wondering why they are there....The background was made with some left over red card, splashed and splodged with yellow paint. The black card is recycled from an old calendar and the designer paper was left over from a card. I am still trying to use up leftovers! I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have another tag using the 'Leda' image for my 'put a sentiment on it' challenge at Tag Tuesday:

I bought some sunflowers this week:

These photos were taken at Süd Park:

Have a great day, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!

Thursday 9 July 2020

Fairy Tales- Rain's Thursday Art Date and more

Hi Everybody!

I am so pleased that my OP is over and hope that I won't need another one in the near future.  Now I need a few days to relax.... For those who didn't see the update yesterday, here it is again:

'Thanks to all who left well wishes. The OP went off well. The scar tissue on my eye has been removed and the left retina lasered to stop it tearing again. Afterwards I slept all morning, had lunch and coffee and was allowed to go home after the doc had checked me again and told me what they had done. Now I need to continue the treatment with drops twice a day and ointment twice a day. Next week I need to go back for a control visit. I'm happy it's over and done with. The doc said I shouldn't be doing housew***, or bending or lifting in the next few days – what a lovely man!'

Today I have a hybrid journal page for Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ. I used one of my photos as background with elements from Serif:

Rain's theme today is Fairy Tales and Nursery rhymes, so I am showing 2 books made back in 2009. For each book I wrote a poem, made mixed media pages to illustrate the verses and bound them to books. This is the first one about a lion, a unicorn and some other creatures who found a way to live together. It would be nice if that would function with people!

The second story has the classical fairy-tale beginning - once upon a time:

I have been watching the balloon flowers on my balcony open up; this is the second time they have bloomed this year:

We had lots of stormy weather and  little rainbow:

And lots of clouds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!