Sunday 12 April 2020

Happy Easter- Happy Passover

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing all of you who are celebrating a happy Easter, or happy Passover. Have fun, even if there are no guests this time. Next year will surely be better, so  we can look forward to that instead of being sad. 
Actually, I am quite enjoying myself just now. We've had good weather, there is no noise from the nearby airport, the air smells better and there are lots of places where it's possible to walk almost alone and enjoy nature without disturbances. I've been reading a lot, and doing a lot of crafting. I cleared out several drawers and boxes and found stash that I didn't even know I had....

Today I have a hybrid piece to share for my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ. The background is a photo taken last year, which I faded to reduce the colour. The circles were also cut from the same photo and a chopped up painting. I assembled it in Serif and added the dancers digitally. I love the combination of nature, circles and dancers - the world in balance:

The day started off with another beautiful sunrise:

I enjoyed my walk through the fields:

Everything is green along the stream:

I walked through the Diakonie, I love the combination of Victorian buildings and beautiful flowers and trees. This is where Florence Nightingale did her training as a nurse:

A rusty dove of peace:

Geometrically cut trees in a garden:

And an Easter egg tree - I don't think they grow on the tree, so I suppose the Easter Bunny hangs them there:

Have a great day, take care, and don't let 'Corinna' spoil your fun.
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 11 April 2020

The circle of life

Hi Everybody!

We had another day with good weather, and I was up and out very early for my 'the world belongs to me' walk along the Rhine and through the fields. I met 2 dogs and 1 horse taking their people for walks - all kept a respectful distance and were friendly, so perhaps people are learning!

For my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ I made a hybrid page. I used an old A3 background and added some dancers and the text  digitally (Serif):

And for Wendy's gold and silver challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another one. I used the same gold painted and embossed paper. The gold leaves were left over from another project. I tried to spray the white roses with silver, but the tin was almost empty and I only got a few sad puffs of colour.  But I tried.... This time I added a rabbit. Last time it was a bird, and 2 people thought it was a rabbit, so I wonder how many peeps will think this is a bird? or perhaps a cat?  Whatever, they are all lovely creatures!

The sunrise this morning was exceptionally beautiful, with the sun rising through some morning mist:

And the birds were also busy watching:

The tulips were on their last legs (do tulips have legs?) this morning, but still lovely:

And I have some more geometric shapes, pictures of the various cobble stones in our little town. The little brass plates are in memory of Jewish people who were deported in the 'Third Reich':

Have a great day, take care,
and hank a lot for coming by!

Friday 10 April 2020

More geometric shapes

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has gone well up til now, and that you will have a good Easter weekend, even though it will be different this year.  We had wonderful weather here, and I was up and about early and had a lovely walk through the fields and along the Rhine.

For my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ I have another A3 journal page.
I painted the page with gesso and textured it by stamping into it with a swirl stamp while it was still wet. I used various stencils to make the shapes and numbers in the background. The larger circles were made with a 'new' stencil recycled from a cookie packet. The dragonflies were stenciled with archival ink over the background patterns. The stamped sentiment is wonky because I dropped it onto the page - shame on me! I outline some of the shapes with a black sharpie. I sewed some angles on the corners:

This was filled with 9 delicious cookies:

I am also linking to Paint Part Friday and to TIOT, the beauty of nature.

I was out very early this morning, and had the world almost just for myself. I saw 2 people in the distance, but that was it. The day started off again with a beautiful sunrise:

I love dandelions:

Lots of space just for me:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!